
Das since Eure Leipziger Samstagstips: Taco-Closing, Chorabend and Linkin-Park-Party

Das since Eure Leipziger Samstagstips: Taco-Closing, Chorabend and Linkin-Park-Party

If you’d like a cinematic or filmic treat during your shopping trip: The Samstag in Leipzig is one of the few things that’s in it.

Leipzig – The Leipzig enjoy a summer holiday in September. If everything in the Messestadt am Samstag was not in order, erahrt Ihr in the TAG24-Veranstaltungstipps.


Markkleeberg/Plagwitz – Between 8 and 15 am Ihr am Samstag at the Antique Market on the Gelände der Agra all kinds of antique and unique Flohmarktfunde machines. The end ride is free. If we were Magen, it would be good to look at the statistics at the Samstagmarkt in the Plagwitzer Markthalle. Dort bieten zahlreiche Stände Leckereien wie regios Gemüse, Eingewecktes, Backwaren or ergischende Getränke an. If there is a free income here, a well-filled Money Source is a natural von Vorteil.

Obst, Gemüse, Brot, Milchprodukte, Fleisch and some Delicatessen can be found on the Leipzig Samstagsmarkt.

Obst, Gemüse, Brot, Milchprodukte, Fleisch and some Delicatessen can be found on the Leipzig Samstagsmarkt. © 123rf/spitzi1

Night of the Dead

Gohli’s – The Samstagabend steht in Leipzigs Norden ganz im Zeichen des Gesangs. During the “Nacht der Chöre” in the Budde-Haus, there will be several Chöre in the Messestadt as well as the Kneipenchor, the Volkschor Leipzig or the Jazzchor Westklang. Tickets cost from 12 euros or eight euros, with the money from the Leipziger Chorverband of the local Children’s and Jugendarbeit.

Im Budde-Haus könnt Ihr in de Genuss verschiedener Chor-Auftritte kommen.

Im Budde-Haus könnt Ihr in de Genuss verschiedener Chor-Auftritte kommen. © 123rf/margrietmargriet

Atacolypse closure

Connewitz – The Tears are the sudden end of the Atacolypse until 1 September. September has not yet been rocked, but the last abriss party of the beloved Taco-Ladens is in front of the door. At 17 o’clock of the Atacolypse there are a few nice offers, everything is not for gourmets, under the sun: Four bands, a DJ and cocktails that twist the fans and the fans to the other side. Whoever has ever discovered the Atacolypse, will be able to buy the credible products in the large factory in Leipzig on the glass.

The Atacolypse sparrow is a Neubau auf dem Gelände in the Wolfgang-Heinze-Straße weichen.

The Atacolypse sparrow is a Neubau auf dem Gelände in the Wolfgang-Heinze-Straße weichen. © Christian Grube

Cinema tour

Connewitz – Hunger marches, street protests and airport blockades: With actions that can carry out the activities of the climate movement “Last Generation” while they go through their reason. One of the things that is not right is that it is not right. Filmmaker Felix Maria Bühler has been taking action for a number of years to undertake activities and erase, where the border of the radical environmental protector lies.

The Film “Bis hierhin und wie weiter?” I would like to see you tomorrow at 18 pm in the Kinobar Prager. One of the protagonists of the Doku could see and ask the fragments of the publications. Tickets cost €8.50 online.


South suburb/Plagwitz – Not that the night could last until Saturday or last night. If you are the best at the “Hits in Herz” Karaoke Party in Absturz, you can play in the disco and house from 10 p.m. or perform to the great music of Euren Lieblings-Hits. Der Eintritt costs six euros.

Fans of this musical gangart come from 23:00 in the hall at your expense. On two Floors come the best hits of Bring Me The Horizon, Linkin Park and the best bands from the Ohren. Tickets are available at the best in advance for the ebenfalls zehn Euro.

I am Absturz and in the Täubchenthal during the Nacht zum Sonntag bis tanzt in the Puppen. (Symbol image)

I am Absturz and in the Täubchenthal during the Nacht zum Sonntag bis tanzt in the Puppen. (Symbol image) © 123RF/vershininphoto

A wonderful Wochenend-Auftakt mal wieder – wir courts, Ihr last Euch die Events in um Leipzig nicht gehen, en wünschen bei all Euren Aktivitäten veld Spaß!