
Gewässer for antibiotic-resistant bacterial protection

Gewässer for antibiotic-resistant bacterial protection

Environment Minister Krischer: Antibiotic-resistant bacteria have promoted our health and health

Gewässer for antibiotic-resistant bacterial protection(PM) – The state government can reduce the burden of antibiotic-resistant bacteria on crops. US Secretary of State Oliver Krischer said that public health and the level of sin of One Health healthcare ensure that antibiotic resistance does not exist: “Antibiotic resistance is worried about health and dies at the edge. Some of the health problems can be one of the best ways to start with antibiotics. The protection-our water supply is a heavier Baustein, which has a more important lifestyle for nature and humans. “

Antibiotics from the human and medical sectors can be taxed and a spread of antibiotic-resistant bacteria begins. There is an overview of the antibiotic resistance bacteria that the Landesamt für Natur, Umwelt und Verbraucherschutz Nordrhein-Westfalen (LANUV) provides a three-fold project. Beprobt wurden dabei Abwässer aus Krankenhäusern and aus Betrieben der Fleischwirtschaft, de Zu- und Abläufe von Kläranlagen aswie Fließgewässer in Nordrhein-Westfalen.

“The Ergebnisse der Studie is over, the antibiotic-resistant bacteria in our lives have only recently become widespread,” says Elke Reichert, chairman of LANUV. “If you like it, you can medicate more in a certain environment through the demographic walk. Because of the improvement of the bakery products used in the production process, the investments in additional Klärtechniken daher absolute sinn. Damit is the end of human beings who are better for those who are resistant,” said Elke Reichert.

I think that the bacteria with resistant data from three Antibiotic Groups (3MRGN; three multi-resistant gram-negative bacteria) were founded in many unsolicited reports. In Fließgewässern Wurden 3MRGN there is talk of a verbreitet gefunden, unreliable von konkreten Abwassereinleitungen. Demgegenüber wurden Bacterien with Resistenzenzen gegen four Antibiotikagruppen (4MRGN) for everyone in Krankenhausabwässern as well as the aufnehmenden Kläranlagen and Fließgewässern nachgewiesen. After the 4MRGN finances a kind of ‘High-Risk-Klone’, most credits and credit reforms are restored. Once a full picture of the load situation of Abwasser and Fließgewässern in North Rhine-Westphalia has been investigated with antibiotics present, the LANUV plans the malnutrition of new Messstellen.

Working in the same way, antibiotic resistance bacteria are used in the water which gives LANUV a different treatment with UV protection products, continuous filters or membrane filtration. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Nature Conservation and Transport have set up their funds for investments in Abwasserreinigung. “Der Schutz unserer Gewässer ist von oberster Priorität for Mensch, Tier und Umwelt. “Unless we have a good life, we still have to worry about investing in a modern waste cleanser,” says Krischer.

The Ministry for Environment, Nature Conservation and Transport plans to build on the knowledge from the LANUV study. The Ministry for Environment, Nature and Transport, for Arbeit, Gesundheit and Soziales ensures the Landwirtschaft- und Verbraucherschutz of the Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen in order to maintain the common Soul, the Eintrag of Antibiotics and Antibiotic-resistant Bacterien in the Gewasser that reduces the Verbreitung in der Umwelt possibly as small as possible. A sensitization of the Ärzteschaft, Landwirtschaft and Gesellschaft in Bezug auf de Einsatz von Antibiotika is no longer important, but also of the careful Umgang with Antibiotika in private area. “Reste von Antibiotika heard again in die Toilette oder das Waschbecken, especially in den Restmüll”, erläuterte LANUV-Präsidentin Reichert.