
Warum Leonie Korbach won the “Lizzie” Prize

Warum Leonie Korbach won the “Lizzie” Prize

Leonie Korbach hat in the World of Flowers in its current form. The bunten Tupfer, which grow on the small field in Wampen near Greifswald, to bind the earth to home flower paths – it is ready for your joy. Thanks to the fact that man as a whole does not import flowers from Africa, Latin America and the Netherlands, can put his regional, seasonal beauty in the kitchen.

Leonie Korbach gets started with the start-up “Wilde Flora”

For two years Leonie Korbach with my start-up „Wild Flora” loose. Think of other jobs and nails. The young woman studied landscape architecture in Osnabrück and Berlin and then planted parks in Berlin, Rostock and on Lake Constance. Owned by a beautiful Job. But Leonie had the feeling, a writing surface to wither. If you are planting in the garden of the PC, it is worth busy with your plans. If you want, you see that your hand is in the earth cuttings.

If you like the Slowflower-Movement-hört, it is clear that the journey is good. It may be that you have a Blumenfeld-bewirtschaft, ganz ohne Chemie and schwere Maschinen. Tulips, Ranunkeln, Zinnien, Löwenmäulchen, Sonnenblumen, Astern and all others Blumen vom Samen bis zur Ernte selbst aufziehen. When you laugh in the sunny light, how wollen and können are – in a healthy soil, in their life-turbulence, which flows with compost and reifem mist.

Leonie sees the young plants together in the Gewächshaus.

Leonie sees the young plants together in the Gewächshaus. (Photo: Katharina Golze)

Leonie enjoys the world Slowflower Movement and a wide range of possibilities. The network is for your life. If others are active in Germany, the functioning of the construction and the man who has a business high level, can be.

“It is the Slowflower Movement that is being expected so quickly,” said the young woman. “I am a 7 Mitglieder in Germany in 2019, since I have been a 350 Mitglieder. We meet our friends in the year, always online and always in Präsenz. Die Teilnahme ist Pflicht. If we have a relationship with other companies, we can Wissenswertes vermittelt in the last century and find another way to leave social media.”

Slowflower-Movement in MV noch weit verbreitet

Damage found Leonie Korbach, who was in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, but it was not noticed, who joins the Slowflower Movement. On the map, the man on don’t think it’s a handful. Leonie herself has not experienced any symptoms. If you get the chance to glauben, whoever will wait for your start-up. Schnipp, schnapp, kaum öffnen sich die Knospen, were de Blumen abgeschnitten en zu Sträußen bund. Your fresh Blumen vom Feld has been created.

Leonie bindet selber Sträuße aus ihren Blumen.

Leonie bindet selber Sträuße aus ihren Blumen. (Photo: Maria Herzog)

Don’t you want to apply for the Lizzie Prize? Let Leonie begin the years that follow. Was that the signal? A new prize at the Gründerinnen-Szene is the most popular on the internet. Bewerben können sich Unternehmerinnen, de zwar Gewinn machen wollen, aber dennoch with View of the Environment, of social Justice and of the Region subsequent economics. “I can’t tell you anything,” Leonie thinks and quickly disappears into a series of fragments. “I had to write to my heart, it was my pleasure to write.”

Bingo. You land on the marketplace of the “Lizzie-Gründerinnenprijzen” in MV and get a prize of 3000 euros. Of course it can be damaged. “I’m glad too, that through the temptation a light on the “Slowflower Movement is falling,” said the winner, who before we put a high price on the Rostock prize and took a share of the mayor in the Auszeichnung-überreicht.

Flowers by hand is not easy. “You are in the wind and the weather,” said Leonie. “One fell on his knees. It is quite a task when you make a message or remove in the withered herbs.” And then there is the other, creative part. When Leonie has the flower binding with suitable hands. For people who have weekly ordered streets in their subscription, for workshops, for high quality and other feierlichkeiten. If someone sees an individual, it may be that he or she is misbehaving. Find all the place on the zarten, bunten or wilde streets.

Yoga in Blumenfeld is a belief

Damit de Leute see, who has founded his Blumen, closes the Wilde-Flora-Chefin Familien zum Selbstpflücken on his small farm. Look at those years in your yoga experience. “It is beautiful, with the analysis, who dissolves the fragments and in the last herumspazieren, an own blumenstrauß zu pflücken”, erzählt die 35-Jährige.

It used to be that Leonie came to Blumenfeld, but it became smaller as she grew up. “It’s been black now for 400 quadratmeters,” said the Gründerin. “Aber ich bereibe Microfarming. Anyway, it may be that a Feld becomes rausholen. The bet is the least doubled.” To save money, let Leonie come out of the Schläuchen-tropfeln, which is closed and the Pflanzen-vorbeischlängeln. “The rain washer does not help the field and the water become diluted,” she said.

Leonie Korbach deals with Microfarming. Look at the smallest Fläche rental property for your business.

Leonie Korbach is involved in Microfarming. Look at the smallest Fläche rental property for your business. (Photo: Katharina Golze)

Leonie scribbles in the Fingern. I didn’t like it with my “Wilden Flora”. But now I have to put the idea back in the Zukunft Schieben. “We are making baby break. In Spring 2025 we will announce ourselves back. Whoever has the new season with little flower children, will not find it themselves anymore. ” That is on your website

Normally the time of the Trockenblumen begins. Leonie würde Sträuße aus getrockneten Blüten tying. Enjoy your Christmas time. These years have disappeared. “I would really like to see my work in September,” he said. “If the Selbständige is not so light. Aber jetzt machen wir Pause. Once you know how you are, once everything is fine.”

Freshly finished straws that you can also enjoy.

Freshly finished straws that you can also enjoy. (Photo: Katharina Golze)

It is not that with the “Wilden Zora” everything remains stable and lying. That is still Max Wenzel, your man. If you are more in the Blumenfarm with a package, the problems will arise. They are both in the community of Gärtnern. The Lizzie Prize also gets a bisschen Max. One of the small little things you do is that you can no longer study in the summer and can no longer do yoga lessons in Blumenfeld.

Leonie Korbach won’t surprise us with a stupid plan. “Wir wollen die Blumenfarm vergrößern. There are a few things you can do. Not in the following monates. Aber in der Zukunft.” Die “Wilde Flora” will wait even longer. Damit could not be said that more people, fresh flowers and the kitchen could have been prepared for their own home.