
My Eternal Summer – Critique | Movie 2024

My Eternal Summer – Critique | Movie 2024

“Life is intense”, Sold by the young leading actor Sylvia Le Fanu who played a spielfilm debut, as his friend and his emotional extreme reactions. Naturally focuses on Worte wie die nimal’s werken and the cinematic Gegenüber, under the Kinopublikum. Mr. Lind Knudsen is the director and his co-director with a suggestive methodology, his richtungsloses Jugenddrama is more like an austauschbare Anthologie-bourgeois Befangenheit will an unanswered Unpässlichkeiten.

One of the solutions is that the incision of the human in Leiden in the hand lung treatment is reduced. Jener has made a cramp-like construction with his schicksalhaften Sterbe-Szenario, if he is now in the main building of the end ring, if he passes the Drehbuch. The absehbare Tod der Mutter (Maria Rossing, Befruchtet), with Fanny (Kaya Toft Loholt, Eine total normale Familie) and his Father (Anders Mossling, Die Lüge) in the other holiday destinations in the title-bound summer, is a completely dramaturgical vehicle. When you are 15 years old, the projection in your daddy fragment becomes bigger and bigger, while you are “normal”, interesting machines – with a beginning.

Fanny goes to parties, hangs with his clique in the sea, has sex with his friends and a few other things with his father. It is a fact that there are more and more brands that can nevertheless appeal to their existence and their properties, one of them will experience the dramatic behavior of their life. If you appeal to one of the ways in which you furnish a home, and a few beiläufige offers are one of the few Obstacles that in the Nebenzimmer you and stirs.