
“Motor des Projects”: Hoeneß with SAP Garden am Ziel

“Motor des Projects”: Hoeneß with SAP Garden am Ziel

A multifunctional arena in Munich wages war against a dream project for Uli Hoeneß. The SAP Garden is now no longer available. It is a question of hand quality and Bauverzögerungen.

The SAP garden in the Morgensonne.

The SAP garden in the Morgensonne.

The Opening of SAP Garden is for Uli Hoeneß and other people. It has been a year since the patron of FC Bayern was intensively working on a new multifunctional arena in Munich. As a basketball player who has been involved in the decision-making process in 2014, the Prestige project was finally launched in the Hintergrund.

Thanks to the management and financing of the Red-Bull-Gründers Dietrich Mateschitz after his vision of a modern Mehrzweckarena in Munich 2016 with more Fahrt auf. When the device comes off the shelf, it is likely to become one of Mateschitz’s first instructions. “Lieber Herr Hoeneß, I am happy with you, that is what I have done since! If you have been with us for a long time, we will continue to work together,” has boldly stood up.

Ein Brief, der zu Tränen rührt

So if you say, “wo du Tränen in de Augen hast, as je Solche Briefe Kriegst, en da habe ich gewusst, dass es der richtige Partner ist”, erinnerte sich Hoeneß, der die Handschlagqualitäten von Mateschitz lobte. The Gründungsmythos an Arena War was born.

If I am free (8:30 pm) from the SAP Garden with the Eishockey party of the EHC Red Bull Munich, I will go to meet the Buffalo Sabres with JJ Peterka with confidence and will follow the basketball player of FC Bayern in the Euroleague heavyweight Real Madrid Empfangen on Thursday (8:45 pm), the duration of the Hoeneß effect would be so little wondered at the Hallen-Projekt blicken.

First games in SAP Garden

A new Wahrzeichen for Munich

Mateschitz sterb in Herbst 2022, my Red Bull Millions were the Halle – from the bovine 150 Million Euros the Rede – aber nimals Realität became. As “Engine of the Geese Projects” prizes from the Austrian aber immer wieder Hoeneß. “Both sports”, including ice hockey and basketball, were “unsurprisingly profitable” for SAP Garden, says Hoeneß. “So who from FC Bayern Munich in Allianz-Arena football has a profitable hat.”

Das Stadion in Fröttmaning is the Hoeneß’ Referenzobjekt for the Multifunction Arena in the Olympiapark. Einst in the Olympiastadion, the FC Bayern football player played in front of 35,000 fans, with the Umzug schnellte de Zahl at 75,000. That means no more money, without more money. “Neben der Allianz-Arena is a Zweite Sportstätte and Schauobjekt for this Stadt Sein”, stated Hoeneß.

Corona and brand solutions to problems

The SAP Garden is a Hingucker. Make sure that the sogenannten of Lisenen, also Verzierungen, aus Aluminum, an imposing Außenverkleidung-beelden are. In Inneren, where you find 10,600 Zuschauer at Eishockey and 11,500 Zuschauer at Basketball Platz, it is difficult to play in Fokus. So if you go into the hall, komplett with the enormous heat, which is at the cooling of the eisen.

More than four quarters of a year lies about the Aushubarbeiten on the grounds of the former Olympia-Radstadions in the Munich Olympiapark and the next Grand Opening. The corona pandemic causes a fire to break out on the building block for care. Now can put an end to losses. Hoeneß Freut’s.