
WDH/ROUNDUP 2/Urteil: Auktion der Bundesliga-Rechte muss wiederholt were

WDH/ROUNDUP 2/Urteil: Auktion der Bundesliga-Rechte muss wiederholt were

(Wiederholung: Präzisierung im letzten Satz des vorletzten Absatzes: The Judgment follows that argumentation now to the extent and favors a new start of the auction.)

BERLIN (dpa-AFX) – Everything at zero: The auction is a larger TV rights package for football in the Bundesliga that would not last longer. With the costs of the Internet broadcaster DAZN in the battle with the German football league, a legal error has occurred. The losers of the settlement are Sky (Comcast) and the DFL – before all Liga goes through a new law to the end of the profit.

DAZN has played a number of important events, but there may be a Billion Poker that is entitled to the playing time 2025/26 to 2028/29. The streaming service can now make a report. “DAZN’s main entry for the second leg of the right package to DAZN has been cancelled”, it is in a DFL letter and the 36 professional clubs, which the German Press Agency claims.

“Der am 16. April erteilte Zuschlag für Rechtepaket B hat nicht Bestand”, he continues in the Schreiben and the Vereine. That’s bitter for Sky. The Pay-TV-Sender has won the dpa information about the package with 196 Live Games – and has lost again. Sky muss non beim Neustart der Auktion wieder mitbieten.

Laufende Verträge gelten later

For the active season of the Fußball-Bundesliga the time is not so big. The interpretation of the football fans with Sky and/or DAZN continues. Executions are from Summer coming years after the new award of the competing Packages B with the Games on Saturday at 15.30 and are free during the Relegation parties.

Also the other packages must be forgiven. Once it was so, the football fans who went to work in the Bundesliga – and who was their best expense.

DAZN has given the DIS-Urteil the chance that all Pay-Pakete are there. The common idea of ​​the middle class is that the device is used in DFL mode and that DIS is scaled and gets comments on the time that is needed. “DAZN is happy that the court has made our favors”, says a speaker. “We are further reminded that DAZN is the best partner for the DFL, for the club and for the German football fans.”

After violent attacks and attacks it is jezt with the Solomonic effect that a loose event occurs. Other legal institutions are not planning to start with the separation of the parties, first in November, with the DFL-mitteilte.

The auction is fun to start and now in the course of time to start. “Details about the Fortsetzung of the Medienrechte Vergabe will be the DFL after we have included the recording in the DFL-Präsidium”, this is in the Mitteilung der Liga.

Nur roads formally Verstöße anfechtbar

The Schiedsspruch has a part of the Wirkung a legal forceful Urteils. DIS separations are intended for the ordering of messages on the current roads. The DFL wants that there are no problems, if it is a process and legal action, “then all beteiligten a problem as a final goal and abschließend accept”. It is a piece of cake of the fall.

“Wir nehmen die Entscheidung des Schiedsgerichts zur Kenntnis”, teilte Sky mit. “Wir since sehr gutstellt für die Medienrechte Vergabe and Zuiversichtlich, unseren Zuschauern weiterhin the best Bundesliga-Erlebnis bieten zu konnen und der führende Sport-Anbieter zu bleiben.”

According to DPA information, DAZN had paid around 400 million euros annually for Package B – also around 1.6 billion euros for the four-year legal period. This four-year annual program has cost around 320 million euros at the competition. If the auctions for the coming years are sold, the League could become a winner of the matches at night.

Target width of the DFL

It is the Liga in history that is itself a Loser. The DFL has its own risk on the strict package of legitimate forgiveness. The Offers from DAZN is no longer able to use the Ligaverband erklärt. The guideline follows this argumentation only to the part and advances now a new start of the auction.

The complaint at the Schiedsgericht is a step, which in the Ausschreibungsunterlagen of the DFL is seen for a streak and was accepted by all parties. DAZN also has the registration for the audiovisual media rights of the 1st and 2nd Fußball-Bundesliga registration, it is legal custom and the DIS for use./mrs/DP/men

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