
I am Einsatz against Fake News, Beleidigungen, Wut and the Spaltung der Gesellschaft

I am Einsatz against Fake News, Beleidigungen, Wut and the Spaltung der Gesellschaft

Social media expert Ingrid Brodnig © Gianmaria Gava

VOLKSBLATT: Ihr neues Buch titled „Wider die Verrohung“. Was it mean?

INGRID BRODNIG: This description is a broad spectrum. The extreme game is violence, to the point of playing against politicians. When the FPÖ leader Herbert Kickl had the form of the verrohten statement in politics, he said that there was a fahndungslijst, which would take the name of politics and would say, the truth, ‘wanted’, when he sees the Verbrecher truth. And then there is talk of extreme black-and-white discussion, and when it is foggy, the climbers will be a real challenge and the others will now get to work.

Are you going to stop being a democracy activist?

Democracy has begun to find compromises, the man who saved another and found a solution, even if the 100-percent of the world no longer sees. When there is a reaction on social media, this often happens, even when it comes to extreme positions. If we look at the most extreme positions, it is difficult to see that this Zwische nräume is often not like that.

Social media also Anteil an der Entwicklung?

Wherever it is, it is still visible. The Pew Research Center in the USA has 25 visible users, 98 visible videos in the Alter Group, also a small minority that produces all visible, visible content. And the platform has become such that the emotional expression begins. If the Leute had more power, it often received more comments, more shares, more Reichsweite, the Leute became longer.

Did Trump or Kickl block the policies of other politicians?

To Trump: It is of course the vulnerability, but it is one of the most plump people, it is so plump that it may be abwenden, but it is all aggressive. If it is grundsätzlich, it is likely that there are aggressive excesses. Who is policy, that wei Voorteile: There is criticism, because that is oft aufgegriffen ist, Schlagzeilen verwachtt. Trump has pursued a hominem policy, that is the path that the sachfrage has taken and has changed the status of a person. Dadurch says that there are many fans, the person is not serious. It can also be interesting to give interest and to pursue policy on the final images, which are in the Investment sector.

Gerade populists can make a bold statement and take the best pictures. Why do we have to do that?

Wer so derb auftritt, erreicht eben Aufmerksamkeit. It is a strongly active emotion. So the populists of their fans want other pages, those things that might run out, to disappear. The power that was about power, while the time was: if I couldn’t glaub, Politiker XYZ was the only one in power. Policies can be used to ensure that the negative effect is achieved: the leisurely conversation and conversation are more relaxed.

A positive result is given, the quality is improved…

A message on Facebook very, more emotions with multiple shares are possible: what a pleasure for Kama Muta, it is a concept for the Gerührtsein. All positive emotions can motivate people, if they feel. If the political debate is about an issue, people can rühren and become active.

However, if you can do nothing else, if you do that, then it will be eight times as much. Was bedeutet das?

It is first the case that you get the blame of the right and it is a bone, if my Wut auslebe is. Manchmal is a false report, which wütend machen. If it is so, then the report can stimulate at all. If you consider, what the subject of the theme is, you notice that someone has taken a break after a break, but it was so big that Anliegen is.

A tip is that you do your own scans. If I’m busy for a long time, it may be that my theme is more relieved, if it’s good, then it’s like women never have coolness, a strategic idea nachzuberen. Then you should think more. If someone is in the world, that other person is a human being. If something has happened, then the own Wut is not in blind Wut mode.

Who discovered fake news?

The man who was at the Zweifeln and at others who schauen or sich anshen, was it for a channel, that his behavior was. Various erroneous functions on the image are displayed, while the context is displayed. Gerade, if an image comes out, there are some men left behind. With the help of Google computers, an image can be displayed and sketched, it is a way to search the Internet and look at the other data that you can use. Or, if you report the core of the potential error and perform the wortfaktencheck, this is a problem. There is an account in Austria with a Faktencheck-Portale, of the APA, of the profile, AFP. It may be that politics pursues the interests of the messages, but encourages this.

Welche Rolle play classic Medien?

The optimal fall of journalism is a great challenge, which is approached in a clever way by Politician XYZ. And in the Zeiten, where so many Meinungen are swirling around on the Internet, the journalistic einordnung has become a central task. It is one of the most important things you can do when you play a game with a click that you cannot play blindly, when you take a game out of the closet. Context and transparency are of great importance to journalism, but man has acquired a great knowledge of things, whatever he has some information about.

Are you serious about your commitment and commitment?

If offline people cooperated with each other, while not facing reality, which was often defended, the bet was broken. People who often have an image of others, if people make it, people notice that this is not so extreme. Offline-Gesprache can be used by Vereine or das Ehrenamt, die Rausgehen hat etwas Verbindendes.

If the debate is done as quickly as possible, the policy and its inability can lead to a better future.

Use the Intellectual Demut concept…

If the man knows that he lies, he or she can lie, while the man has no expertise, also limits of his own Wissens. It is clear that in one of the underworld, that man, the greater intellectual Demut knowledge, can make a mistake in the form of false reports and verschwörungsmythen. Empathy protects me from that, grossly condescending others to be. An empathic Botschaft can work überzeugender.

Who wants to turn a young person into a purposeful user of social media?

Indem man Journalismus herzeigt. In Schulen there are serious articles appeared, that learn young, so sounds an untouched and nice message. Anyway, the tone is a bit bigger, but you know no messagestattung.

Interview: Melanie Wagenhofer