
RTL Today – Caritas case: Public Prosecution Service investigates involvement of two banks in Caritas embezzlement case

RTL Today – Caritas case: Public Prosecution Service investigates involvement of two banks in Caritas embezzlement case

The Caritas saga continues: the public prosecutor’s preliminary investigation is now expanding to two banks, amid concerns about possible violations of anti-money laundering legislation.

As reported by the online platform on Wednesday morning, the banks Spuerkees and BGL BNP Paribas were searched in August as part of an ongoing investigation. Details remain limited due to the ongoing legal process, but both the CSSF (Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier) and the European Central Bank are keeping a close eye on the situation.

The aim is to find out how the two banks were able to process 125 transfers in just six months, especially considering the anti-money laundering regulations. The transfers each had a respective amount of more than half a million euros, destined for the Spanish BBVA bank.