
Morgenpost: Were prepared for the SPÖ?

Morgenpost: Were prepared for the SPÖ?

Gestern Abend in Wien, at the bergabe of the golden Posthorns von Georg Pölzl and Walter Oblin. “Wir sind vorbereitet”, said a high-ranking Würdenträger of the SPÖ at Griff in the Schnitzelbällchen in the area behind. The cryptic Satz hieß übersetzt thus fell who: The SPÖ became itself, if the desolate Umfragewerte and an abgeschlagener dritter Platz bewahrheiten sollten, nor am späten Wahlabend, a Direction Plan follows, häuten and another Party aus sich reformkehren: one, that anschluss- and this is the result of a positive and positive approach to economics, with new, civil aromatisierten Schlüsselspielern für die Verhandlungen (Bures, Hanke, Muchitsch, Kern), abgeschliffenen Forderungen wie Arbeitszeit and Upper Class-Steuern anyway clearly progress and die ÖVP.

Nothing fuerchtet Social democracy for one’s own interests can offer more confidence and perspective to the opposition bench. It is a Mythos, it is an Ort of Healing and the Rekonvaleszenz.

That ÖVP, so if you notice a few meters from Herbert Kickl you will find yourself in a comfortable low environment. If you want to use the bigger partner and use the little ones, make sure you’re good. Atmospheric values ​​for a bundle with the FPÖ gibt in the Volkspartei are all, which have a weighty stimme. Now that the SPÖ is at the Babler-Kurs festival stop, the Neigungsgruppe Blau can gain weight within the industrial and economic circles of the ÖVP and achieve a single Stimmungsumschwung, heißt in VP-Kreisen. The economics liberal program Kickls, a listy Raubkopie, hat in IV-Environment Eindruck authorized.

In Länderebene it is a clear example of a reform project with social democracy, the VP-Granden, and the self-declared dort, woman with free support for the FPÖ direction. For the ÖVP, the major variant of higher pleasure potential is a major change, but it may be another form of exaltation. In the second war we see the part-time of a young junior partner and one of the dominant kanzler parties. The last large coalition of VP-Regent war Alfons Gorbach. Der rote Vize an seiner Seite: Bruno Pittermann.

Oral history, matters in the rear areas are blown up, while the Draußen blew on the legs of the new post-general in the Posthorn.


Hubert Patterer
[email protected]