
Jever/Schortens empfängt TvdH Oldenburg II

Jever/Schortens empfängt TvdH Oldenburg II

A play-free game gives a hint to HG’s handball. In the home match against Oldenburg, the best Eindruck will be played. For all your time, set these guest rooms.

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Jever/Schortens – After a game of play, we report to the Landesliga-Handballer der HG Jever/Schortens with a home game. On Samstag at 6 p.m. I will play the Spieler des Trainersspanns Enno Bruhnken/Henning Cassens in the Regionalliga-Reserve des TvdH Oldenburg in the Sporthalle on Jahnstraße. Den Gegner knows the hosts – otherwise as the bisherigen Kontrahenten – aus zahlreichen Duellen der vergangenen Year.

“Das is a very robust Mannschaft. And if any of the young players play a game, it will be a time game, Bruhnken estimates the quality of the players. I am the guest of Lukas Haltermann with an actor, who is in the Vorsaison nor for the A-Jugend of the HG-auflief and another with Joris Palum, Silas Fink, Jannik Bruhnken and Bent Rickmann (all in the framework of the HG- men) )zusammenspielte.

The Oldenburger won part of the prize, all three games won. “You can spend some time at home with some Harz adventures. If we were to do one of the best things, it would be a Vorteil for one of us,” said Bruhnken.

The HG will do his job – however he does it in Edwecht – the pace will be forced and it will be a fact that something will come. “The young game is as good as it can be. If the pace is right, things will go well. That means no one will fall,’ lobs Bruhnken.

In the defense world, both defense formations will take place again. So in the 6:0-as in the 5:1-Formation the Marienstädter wollen in its Abläufe painteinern, um that Gegner for dishonest Aufgaben zu set.

Schmerzlich is missing with Samstag sicherlich Tim Arends. Der HG-Torgarant – bislang 19 Hit in three games – with additional terms and conditions. Visit the guests who visit Torhüter Benjamin Gräf. Auch de Rückkehr von Jannik Bruhnken is no longer planted for the game in Oldenburg. “Dennoch was able to make the most of it,” Bruhnken says.

Dennis Zandhorst

Dennis Zandhorst
Sportredaktion, Jeversches Wochenblatt, Wilhelmshavener Zeitung