
Arbeitszeitmodell – Jobsharing – Kaum Führungsduos in NRW-Ministerien – Wirtschaft

Arbeitszeitmodell – Jobsharing – Kaum Führungsduos in NRW-Ministerien – Wirtschaft

Düsseldorf (dpa/lnw) – In Landesministerien und de Bezirksregierungen in Nordrhein-Westfalen arbeiten 34 Beschäftigte in einem Jobsharing-Modell. It is a small part of the SPD landing faction and the black government that the German press agent has known. The Justizministerium says that with most employees I will have a full time setting in the job distribution model.

If you take a certain position, you can keep it all separate yourself, this is it. They are both self-assessment forms. As sogenanntes Tandem, the Verantwortung für Aufgaben and the Führung gemeinsam were taken. It is a good task to recharge and get a personal way of life. It is possible that the job split will occur with the growth and corporate accountability that is clearly achieved.

A ministry with job sharing

I am a finance and a ministerial ministry that in the state institutions that the time of job sharing is determined by a reference to job sharing. Juweils a reference in the debt, environment culture ministry is setzt in the Zuge des Jobsharings with two Teilzeitbeschäftigten. You will also benefit from the well-being of your job sharing and your health and family ministry. In the Bezirksregierungen, the Landwirtschafts-, de Bausowie-dem Wirtschaftsministerium-gibt has a small Beschäftigten in Jobsharing.

For the decisive leader of the SPD faction, Lisa-Kristin Kapteinat, Zahlen is humble. “The Landesregierung has completely covered the theme. We have the right to help other ministers in NRW to enable job distribution in the erwähnenswerter Zahl,” says Kapteinat. Modern Arbeitsmarkt instruments play an offenbar for Schwarz-Grün a total Nebenrolle. There is an armutszeugnis for the land as Arbeitgeber.

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