
Schlagersänger Semino Rossi: 30 Jahre Ehe, 2 Jahre Pause – Happy End! | Unterhaltung

Schlagersänger Semino Rossi: 30 Jahre Ehe, 2 Jahre Pause – Happy End! | Unterhaltung

It’s hard to remember what else happened. Schlagerstar Semino Rossi (62, fast 4 Mio. purchased Tonträger) and his Frau Gabi (62) have been living for 33 years. When the pandemic breaks out, the crisis dies, while there is an Ehepause. Two years later you can compare more. As BILD the singer says, it is a fact that this is a good idea.

Rossi: “The Corona times were worth 24 weeks. I am a human being, of the great ways. Davor war ich beruflich 180 Tage im Jahr nicht zu Hause. So it wasn’t noticeable and this unsafe situation was a war that I kind of fell into.”

Semino Rossi is in the Top 10 of the first charts with his new album “Magische Momente”.

Semino Rossi is in the Top 10 of the first charts with his new album “Magische Momente”.

Photo: Alexandra Puppe

There is no trennung gewollt, “aber ich brauchte Freiheit”, erzählt der Sänger. “I wanted to know more about the times, and who could help me with it.” Rossi Wake of the community living in Tirol aus, war fell with the Wohnmobil-en route. Your Gabi-hakt is a contact person. “After spending years with my wife, she is angry and fragmented because there is a good chance she could relate to my story in her life. I am froh, that is my view and we will be with you since.”

Der Schlagerstar hat daraus fell gelernt. Above all: “If there is a problem or if it has not been found, it is so pleasant. It is the mirror that is a Vulkan.” This may be a problem. „But irgendwann war der Druck zu groß und ich bin explosiond.“ It is sensible that Reason is the best Mittel that is a Krise. “So make sure everything is repaired before it arrives.”

Travel later more: Semino Rossi and Seine Frau Gabi in Ägypten-Urlaub

Reis jetzt mehr: Semino Rossi en seine Frau Gabi im Urlaub in Ägypten

Photo: Semino Rossi / private

So we would like to know that Rossi and Gabi now have a lot of fun together, so we are free to stay in Egypt. Nur in die Berge is my best place. “She is a sporty woman. I don’t have such good conditions,” he said.

Couples in a single critical situation after a long time Ehe empfielt der Sänger: „Legt liebe eine Ehepause ein, as euch zu tREN. In this Zeit one can reflect. If you had never enjoyed your life again, you would recognize and treasure more, it would be your lost past.”