
G7 agricultural ministers and ministers said together Unterstützung für Ukraine

G7 agricultural ministers and ministers said together Unterstützung für Ukraine

Berlin (agrar-PR) – Germany and Japan, cooperation in the agricultural sector became increasingly intensive

These are the meetings of the G7 agricultural ministers and ministers in Italy in Ende. The themes of the meeting were the American economy of the Russian Russian Federation, which brought Ukraine into the global economy and energy security and the transformation of the economy and the landwirtschaft that caused more and more problems. The G7 Forum for Africa was officially launched on September 26.

Most of the rights of the Russian Federation will reach Ukraine with all G7 in the most likely way. While the G7 agriculture minister in his joint joint demonstrations of the G7 economy and security at the substructure of the Ukrainian agricultural sector and solid solidarity on the page of Ukraine. In the Abschlusserklärung, the G7 agricultural ministers and ministers in their Einsatzbereitschaft zur Transformation of the global Ernährungssysteme, a Soul of Agenda 2030 for the future Entwicklung his achievements. Germany has specialized in addressing climate protection and passage issues. Now that a sustainable land management, the climate and biodiversity protection is followed, we will continue to enjoy environmental protection.

Germany and Japan agree to this, to intensify their cooperation in the agricultural sector: Together with the G7, Federal Minister Özdemir and the Japanese Minister for Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, Tetsushi Sakamoto, a Memorandum of Understanding, a bilateral cooperation in particular den Bereichen Innovations for a climate-friendly Landwirtschaft, Ökolandbau and landscape Entwicklung to intensify. Both federal states are in favor of a herausforderungen: Ziel ist es, Landwirtschaft and ländliche Räume auch by Innovationen and new Impulse zukunftsfest to machen and Landwirtschaft as Berufsfeld gerade for young people more attractive by shapes. A Schwerpunkt der Zusammenarbeit is located in the Bereichökologischer Landbau. Here in Japan the Soul Form is, until 2050 a year ago 25 Prozent zu erreichen.


The G7 includes Germany, France, Great Britain, Italy, Japan, Canada and the US. Der Vorsitz wechselt jährlich. 2022, the Federal Minister Özdemir has in the meetings of the German G7-Vorsitzes the Meetings of the Agricultural Ministers and Ministers after a longer Unterbrechung first come to an end. The most successful meeting on May 2022 in Stuttgart statt. They should carry out the battles that are regularly reinforced – the battles from Japan and now from Italy.

The European Union is present at all meetings. Zum Treffen is one of the major international organizations in the agricultural and agricultural sector: the Agricultural and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations (FAO), the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), and the UN World Food Program (WFP) that organization for economic work and development (OECD).