
Marchegg/Bezirk Gänserndorf: Lob für Gänserndorfs Ex-BH-chef en seine Nachfolgerin

Marchegg/Bezirk Gänserndorf: Lob für Gänserndorfs Ex-BH-chef en seine Nachfolgerin

I am Edlen Rahmen from Schloss Marchegg who has edited the new Leitung of BH Gänserndorf the Leistungen of Bezirkshauptmann and Martin Steinhauser.

MARCHEGG. Im Festsaal van Schloss Marchegg stands for the ehemalige Behördenleiter en seine Nachfolgerin in Mittelpunkt. Landeshauptfrau Johanna Mikl-Leitner concrete:

“Eine Amtsübergabe an einer Bezirkshauptmannschaft ist more whoder whoder whoder a wichtiger Anlass and has a whole great Bedeutung for the Land, the Bezirk and die Menschen, who live in this Bezirk.”

This Amtsübergabe finds in one of the following states, not very, the Bezirk a ganer, that is the Bundeshauptstädten Wien and Bratislava, Liège. Mikl-Leitner continues:

“Eine Bezirkshauptmannschaft is a more important Dreh- and Angelpunkt for the Bürgerinnen and Bürger, the Bürgermeisterinnen and Bürgermeister, for the Wirtschaft and Landwirtschaft.”

Dieser Job nimmt nicht Rücksicht auf regulare Arbeitszeiten. If the Beispiel runs through the Dammbruch of the Marchfeld canals or the young Flurbrand. “The einsatzkräfte has a large number of people here and since you love Claudia, you will certainly be happy,” followed by the landeshauptfrau Claudia Pfeiler-Blach Rosen.

Landesamtsdirektor-Stv. Gerhard Dafert, Landeshauptfrau Johanna Mikl-Leitner, Bezirkshauptfrau Claudia Pfeiler-Blach and Landesamtsdirektor Werner Trock (from left) at the Amtsübergabe der Bezirkshauptmannschaft Gänserndorf in Festsaal des Schlosses Marchegg. | Photo: NLK Filzwieser

The quality of BH-Chefs

As a District Chief or District Chief, you should consider that you can be stress-resistant, stress-resistant and can be ordered. This legal man can do his or her best and be competent in a thematic field. What he needs is a smart portion of home understanding, fingertip feeling and social competence.

Die Amtszeit Martin Steinhauser

For Martin Steinhauser, look at Lob. Many projects, re-examinations and previous projects are very interesting. “I am thinking here of the Donau- and March-Hochwasser in the years 2002 and 2013. The result is that a Security Forum has been set up and all stakeholders and players have been charged,” says Mikl-Leitner.
When the gas explosion in the Baumgarten took place in the year 2017, Steinhauser died in his home, the Einsatzkoordinierung, a major Herausforderung.
A major brand has put Steinhauser on the auction block for young lawyers. Als Ausbildungsbeauftragter an der BH Gmünd 1998 nahm Steinhauser op de heutige Bezirkshauptfrau Pfeiler-Blach under my Fittiche. Steinhauser has left the Generalsanierung der Bezirkshauptmannschaft Gänserndorf, which is closed until September 2027.

It could be interesting

Umbau der Bezirkshauptmannschaft Gänserndorf

“Habe Bruck sehr lieb won”

Unser Bezirkshauptmann Martin Steinhauser lives in Pension