
FreeNow creates a winning zone – Radiovest

FreeNow creates a winning zone – Radiovest

Munich/Hamburg (dpa) – Der Fahrdienstvermittler FreeNow hat 13 Jahre nach seinem Start in sechs deutschen Großstädten die Gewinnzone erreicht. The new strategic decision on the taxi has had an Umsatzwachstum of 13 Prozent in Vergleich zum Vorjahr (August 2023), said FreeNow CEO Thomas Zimmermann at the Start-up-Konferenz Bits & Pretzels 2024 in Munich. “With a clear answer to the taxi service, break-even can be realistic.”

FreeNow war as a start-up in Hamburg under the names Mytaxi is welcomed and heard by the Dax companies Mercedes and BMW. It is easy to take care of your life with great ease and peace of mind. FreeNow’s power no longer exists in the tradition of Taxi-Zentralen Konkurrenz, but is legally established on platforms with Uber or Bolt. In April 2024, Zimmermann said he had the biggest problems with the Mietwagen flotillas he saw. “Unser Kerngeschäft ist Taxi, and that’s where we come from,” Zimmermann began with the Strategiewechsel.

In more European Ländern präsent

With the benefits of the FreeNow zone, there is a position as a strong Kraft in the city, European Mobility sector, like Zimmermann now in Munich. FreeNow is active in more European countries, Germany, Great Britain, Ireland, France, Spain, Poland, Italy, Griechenland and Austria. By purchasing a number of other offers in e-bikes, e-scooters, car sharing and car rental, there are probably a number of mobility options in a single app in the world.

Zimmermann says it will take a long time to govern the online taxi sector in more than 150 European cities. In Deutschland FreeNow verzeichnete een gestigte Nachfrage bij Taxifahrten, which can be used during the entire year of the Festpreis-Einführungen in the city of Munich and Berlin. In Berlin, Nachfrage nach Fahrten with FreeNow has risen by over 50 percent in one year. FreeNow has a Flotte in Germany with more than 20,000 taxis, with the active Fahrer operating more than 10 percent of the taxis.