
This also applies to the Stadtsparkasse changes

This also applies to the Stadtsparkasse changes

Remscheid. More than 50 workshops with more than 1,500 Teilnehmern: A whole week long on the Stadtsparkasse Remscheid in September we will be able to “Open House” in a way that will allow us to work on our transformation processes. Being in the background of the Hinweise, the former Michael Wellershaus saw a first Fazit after the Veranstaltungsmarathon. Viele Anregungen became a man who emerged, could be a. And the dialogue with the expert judge.

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Years later, if you take over the remscheider sparkasse and your own company, the financial sector, the erwartungen of the skills and the Mitarbeitern. Digital services offered by video can be used as a new office or overview of the mandatory Krawatt. With the “Open House” presentation after the last night’s work, Wellershaus said: “Wir hatten den Mut, with the ability to work together, was phenomenally functioning.”

Consider the idea that is not possible now

It is true, of course, that criticism is made, while the Schaltern, or the High Council of the Beispiel, makes a report of the previous state of affairs, before all the people have got an idea. From an art ‘good view’ in your society, which as a central communication partner for all knowledge and other needs, has more space in the heat areas. The man was now together and Punkt für Punkt bewerten, said Markus Kollodzey, Leader of the Unternehmenssteuerung: “Wichtig ist, dass man diese Impulse seriouslyhaft aufnimmt”.

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Who has had the opportunity to give Oliver Gratzel, Bereichsleiter Organization and Personal, a message: A newly formed Beratungscenter has a plan to plan, has a man with his knowledge about Lego nachgebaut, messageet there. “Quickly everything has created a children’s art child.” It became a man when the plans were viewed.

Aus der Pflicht einen Mehrwert machen

Volker Pleiß, Business Director for Business Studies, remembers that the financial situation is a matter of social importance. “The only thing we can say is: If there is good power, then it is generated, but there is little improvement in our lives,” said Pleiß. Check the data and the tax, which are very bad. “That was definitely a deal.”

It is not that it is no longer a core business of the credit institutions. Would you like to be able to see the Sparkasse as an Art Begleiter, in good time, said Markus Kollodzey. If the fear or the Pflegefall goes to the Beispiel. Look at children’s financial images that often have a theme. I am a business administration company that informs about cybersecurity and a network for external networks, says Volker Pleiß. This means that you can be happy with the theme of your business: “It is better for both days.”

The separated Unterschied zum Wettbewerb

By the rote Faden, if you see all the previous things, as the Wunsch nach Individualität, quickly Michael Wellershaus is together. With the help of a worker or a worker, a private company, who would be willing to work with them, they would be well-placed and have a special business experience. “Eine Bestätigung für das, was wir schon erwartet haben”, nennt der Sparkassenvorstand das. A large part of the peculiarity of Direkt- und Großen Geschäftsbanken.

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Read more after that Anzeige

When the transformation process began with the “Open House”-Woche diene dazu, the Zukunftsfähigkeit of the Remscheider Stadtsparkasse to stay and stay, Michael Wellershaus concreted: “Wir machen das ja nicht, weil wir das so cool.” By gaining more knowledge of the business, new purchases and attractive attractive employment conditions – both were worth it, the Wirtschaftlichkeit der Sparkasse zu improven.

A process that has never happened in a while, Wellerhaus said. There cannot be a malfunction. The dialogue was therefore entered into with the question pronounced by the judge after the “Open House”: “Wollen diese Rückmeldung, even if we are manchmal weh tun.”