
5 Museums in Istanbul, that man has lived his life

Reich an Geschichte, Kunst en Kultur and the only city in the world that was able to achieve greater continuity, that’s what it was, was Istanbul. For art and culture lovers, the main city of Turkei is an absolute experience. Und was true Art, bzw. Culture outside the museums, in the city more as well as they come. Welche 5 Museen If you want to make a trip, if Sie Flüge Istanbul is bucht, continue here.

Hagia Sophia: Architektur und Geschichte pur

You can view the edifices of the world in the fall from Hagia Sophia. It is a symbol of the city’s national history and the war in 1935, when the museum was there, we will see another war in Moschee. In 2020, when the Museum was open as Moschee, Tourists were proud to visit. There is also a short history behind itself.

Before buying a ticket for Hagia Sophia, the cost and museum are definitely a must for buying Turkish flight tickets. In the city of the Altstadt, the names Sultanahmet, Hagia Sophia and Anreise are mentioned relatively quickly. From the airport to the airport it is approximately 45 minutes with a taxi, from the hotel you can reach the bus, highway and U-Bahn.

Topkapi Palace: Einblick in the Ottoman Reich

Genutzt wurde dieses Gebäude für long Zeit as the political and administrative Center of the Ottoman Reich. It is a museum and a visit to the life and history of the Ottoman sultan. The Palastanlage is large and has gardens, pavilions, farms and sogar Schatzkammern.

The harem, in the lives of Mutter, Schwester and Ehefrau der Sultane, as well as those Frauen, die unterstützten, is very interesting. Views in the Bosphorus and artistic designs, the wall paintings, jeden Winkel dieses Palastes Geschichte erzählen. If you want to make a plan, you can reimburse your flight tickets for a Turkish ticket.

Archaeological Museum Istanbul: Travel through the Antike

If you visit museums in Istanbul, then the Archaeological Museum is not on the list. One of the countries most important museums is a collection of a number of works of art, dating from different eras of human history. Artworks of the Zivilization of Turkey and for all parts of the Aegean region, the Mediterranean region and the central Anatolia region can be edited here by Ihnen.

The Sarkophag of Alexander of the Greats, the relief of Babylon and the famous Vertrag von Kadesh are the most interesting examples. In 3 Gebäude, the Archaeological Museum of Istanbul is complete and can be found in other culturally diverse cultures. Would you like to carry out this cultural journey with machines? When the flight to Istanbul begins, it is a fact that the city and the city are on their territory.

Galata Mevlevi Lodge Museum

The Galata Mevlevi Lodge is an adept architectural architectural design and can explore more buildings and buildings, which were eingebunden in the früheren Klosterbetrieb. Part of the art collection can be found here more information about the Mevlevi-Dervian messages.

The Museum is located in the Nähe des Tünel-Platzes and is easy to navigate. If you want to use the best terms, you can do this by putting the spiritual practice of the Mevlevi-Derwische zur Schau to work.

Museum for the History of Islamic Science and Technology

The Museum for the History of Islamic Science and Technology (Islam Bilim and Teknoloji Tarihi Müzesi) is an einzigartiges Museum in Istanbul, which is the History and Experiences of the Islamic World in the Bereichen Wissenschaft, Technology and Innovationwidmet. The end of the 2000 years in the Gülhane Park has come to an end.

The Museum is more thematic than it is, erasing the history of history, and you can do here von astronomy about mathematics with its Medizin of all sections. The highlights of the museums are interactive, while you can buy and use the old instruments yourself.

Planning a trip to Istanbul – So it’s done

For Jedermann, the 5 best and best museums in Istanbul are one of the best value. If you are looking for a traditional work of art, art and exhibition site, then it is not the case that your flight ticket after Turkey is entitled to buy, but you can buy the best bills from the Billigflüge in Istanbul.

Pegasus offers you the right options, where you can set a rate on your Rundum Service, after you have purchased a Flug Ticket. Istanbul’s Museums have become the Möglichkeit of the Ottoman Empire or the Time of Turkish Moderne to experience, and if you are an art lover, then these are 5 of the most beautiful, most popular and credible Istanbul Museums on your visit.

If most people lie relatively, the journey is a small problem. If you are a taxi, a service company with buses and Bahn-nutzen and manchmals, this might be it, a museum with a lot of fun.

Tips and tricks

Once you’ve found a flight ticket and visited the Top 5 Turkish Museums, you can find those tips and tricks for your August overview, damn everything the organization organizes.

Although the museum believes and strongly studies, the war may last a long time at Schalter. If you get your money back, you can reimburse your eintrittskarten for your money and your current time, when the large amounts are gone.

In Turkey it is an additional card for the Museum Liebhaber, namely the Müze Kart. If you stop saving money, you can go ahead for a long time and overturn the coffers. It is naturally interesting if you see more museums in the Kurzer Zeit, wollen. You will find this map in many museums, which you can view in the Archaeological Museum and in the Topkapi Palace.

The fact that the museum looks like this is interesting. In Istanbul’s Old Town you will find the Hagia Sophia, Topkapi Palace and the Archaeological Museum, the Museum of Debts and the Museum of Modern Art. With those tips in the background, my museums were designed for a well-thought-out plan, one of the Hetzjagd through Istanbul. Planen Sie noch heute Ihren Museumsbesuch in Istanbul und buchen Sie Ihren Flug in die Türkei.