
Bereitschaft zur Organspendende auf Bankkarten angeben

Bereitschaft zur Organspendende auf Bankkarten angeben

Mastercard führt Life Donor als Feature in Deutschland ein. Letzten’s end of the trade is a path that involves the bank cards’ expenses for documentation. VIMpay is the first card reminder in Germany, the Life-Donor-Feature from Mastercard is offered.

Life Donor is light in nature, the VIMpay app can contain a Life Donor Symbol and support the organization of the organ and the network on the physical map of healthcare. The Life-Donor-Karte has Mastercard data protection compliance and supports all Mastercard-Kartenherausgebern in Deutschland zur Verfügung, the best card program with that feature is possibly possible.

A GfK Umfrage im Auftrag von Mastercard zeige, dat 86 Prozent der Befragten ihre Bankkarte fast more dabei hätten. But now your Vierte (26 Prozent) slow signals are organspendeausweis in themselves. If you look at the documents of the Bereitschaft, you can spend your money on a bank card or other way so that those affected can be used.

The spending relationship can use the Mastercard to get the best organic and spend. This information can be found on the back page of the map. Karteninhaber can display the organspender status of the time or broader rufen.

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