
Manchester United and Erik ten Hag get after Horrorauftritt against Tottenham and Fett is gone

Manchester United and Erik ten Hag get after Horrorauftritt against Tottenham and Fett is gone

Manchester United captain Gary Neville has received sharp criticism after the German English Premier League title against Tottenham Hotspur (0:3). The ex-nationals player from the German Worte is a member of the Spieler and its umpteenth team manager Erik ten Hag.

Neville spoke at Air sports of a “shocking and serious night”. There is a hope that the game met with anyone during the meeting, um “are separated, was his own woolen”. There is more than one Ruck during the Kabine-gehen. “Schlimmer als de first Halbzeit is nicht. (…) Das is een wirklich übler Tag für ten Hag”, says Neville.

Signal Experten-College Jamie Redknapp meinte gar, ten Hag di ihm “lead”. The Mannschaft is “peinlich” and has “ihren Tiefpunkt erreicht”.

United war den Spurs in Old Trafford in Allen Belangen unterlegen. All überfluss-flogs are neither Kapitän Bruno Fernandes roads, but play with the Roten Karte vom Platz. “That’s fast United in the first half perfect sister. It was an absolute shame,” said Neville. There is a powerful fortress: “Eine der schlechtsten Leistungen, die ich unter ten Hag gesehen habe. Und dat would schon etwas heißen. Es war schlimm and ich bin schockiert darüber, wie sie si sunken sin.”

Ten Hag, on 2022 in Amt, war preparedness in the summer after a breakthrough during the war. The new Mitbesitzer Uniteds um Sir Jim Ratcliffe spoke the Niederländer nach an analysis of the results and held a great party. Nach dem schwachen Start in this playing time is no longer with Neville, but continue with the larger parts of the fans in the criticism.