
Non-Food Trade: Neuer Billig-Boom beflügels Discounter with Action

Non-Food Trade: Neuer Billig-Boom beflügels Discounter with Action

Stift, T-shirts, Duftkerszen, Batterien, Hausschuhe: Diese und öhrem Artikel bewirbt der Discounter Action in active Angeboten. If there are no problems, there may be problems – it is the Dutch unternehmen that are sick with inheritance.

The sogenants Non-Food-Discounter with Action, WoolworthTedi, Pepco and Kodi are aimed at the Trade with special Gütern, the man can never verzehren. They provide furniture and clothing, home textiles, fashion and decoration, toys and multimedia, leisure and sporting goods.

The best products to use are products that you can use when cooking and less from the kitchen at Aldi and Lidlwho has heard the new Zahlen from YouGov and Marktforschers Consumer Panel Services (CPS) GfK said. The first half year 2022 and 2024 since the Non-Food Purchases of the Consumers in Germany at the Non-Food Discounts demnach from 2.6 to 3.2 Billion Euros. On Zeitraum I increased the Umsätze von Lebensmittel-Discountern at Aldi and Lidl with Non-Food from 4 to 3.5 billion euros. Damit wurden sie von Action & Co. fast eingeholt.

Who is cleared? «The non-food discounter has become professional. If this is a gelungen, it is true that the seriousness of the matters in finding a branch, said trade expert Christian Koch of CPS GfK. The Entwicklung is one of the strong extensions of Action, Tedi and others. “Wash Aldi and Lidl started perfecting the new market teilnehmer. If you have written to a German knitter about your new prize, says Werner Reinartz, professor of marketing at the University of Cologne. If you use products regularly, you can find a “cute way of working”.

These Unternehmen scheuen dabei etablierte Geschäftslagen nicht: Thus, etwa Tedi zum Weihnachtsgeschäft will eröffnen eight Interimsbranches in ehemaligen Galeria-Standorten. The previous mountain hehenden geschäfte are located in Darmstadt, Hildesheim, Reutlingen, Pforzheim, Kempten, Siegburg, Schweinfurt and Wuppertal. No matter how long it lasts, it’s insulting. A «long-lasting Nutzung» is not the only thing that comes with it.

Another item for a euro or a few days

Inflation is no longer possible, the Kauflaune is even worse. After a brief study of the IFH trading institutes, the results of the study are heavily based on price and fear. It changes the Non-Food-Discountern Zulauf.

Promotion costs 1,500 items for one euro, at Tedi and Woolworth jewelry costs more than 3,000 euros or more. “Damit was contacted around 30 years ago with budget restrictions and my business activities. The starting point is the foreground of the einkaufs, said the trade expert Carsten Kortum. The Professor at the Dualen Hochschule Baden-Württemberg Heilbronn has more years at Lidl in their current position in the future for non-food products.

In the field of economics, the Käuferschichten believes that Discountware offers products that ensure that there is no longer any doubt about a Woolworth-Sprecher. At Discounter KiK, half of the range is offered on non-food. Der Anteil will be expanded. If you see a German weniger preissensibel here, says KiK chief Patrick Zahn in August at the publisher of the Wirtschaftspubliztische Vereinigung in Düsseldorf.

Promotion: Jede Woche 150 new Article

Laut Kortum mischt voor alle Action das Non-Food-Geschäft in Deutschland auf. Der Umsatz pro Filiale is probably higher than others. And that is the action we produce as Woolworth, Tedi or KiK. The Discounter has 6,000 items in its range, now available for purchase. Jede Woche bowls 150 new hinzu. So ask what it was like to go to Kortum. Neben Non-Food items can be used in the kitchen items with cleaning products, hygiene items and household items. These frequencies are high, the verbs and non-gebrauchsgüter will be repeated regularly.

Another Vorteil von Discountern with Action, Tedi and Woolworth: They are deutlich more Auswahl as with Aldi and Lidl. Many of our own brands are included in Markenprodukte. The boilers have an uninteresting Schwerpunkte, which focuses on Haushalt or Deko, others on textile, Heimwerkerbedarf, Garten or Möbel. One had a small Auswahl and made a stop in life in Angebot.

Do you want to buy the internet with the new price you need to produce a distorted product? Man nehme das Lieferkettengesetz seriously en verlang von Lieferanten, de Mindeststandards in Bereichen wie Zwangsarbeit, Gesundheit, Sicherheit, Entlohnung und Arbeitszeiten zu erüllen, teilt Action mit. “A quality team strongly controls our products in terms of cross-border delivery,” Tedi explains. The others are alone.

Discounter wollen weiter expand

The Discounter likes to expand with a wettlauf. Promotion active 2,700 branches in Europe, 550 in Germany. From 2026, the man will be able to inherit up to 1,400 new Standorte. Tedi hat herezulande 1900 bless 3,200 Märkte. Mittelfristiges Ziel seien 5,000. Woolworth will be waiting. Derzeit gibt es 750 Geschäfte, die meisten in Deutschland. Europe could be a man in the years that a Filialnetz cattle has produced 5,000 Standorten, heißt es. Dieselbe Marke asks KiK an. Aktuell hat das Unternehmen 4,200 Geschäfte, 2,400 davon in Deutschland.

For Aldi and Lidl, the enjoyment of markets in the Non-Food area is a pleasure. The products, the products you can use, have the discount frequency higher than the frequency and margin. In short, the Warengroep has become so doubly so when it comes to Lebensmitteln. Other Händler companies think they should have their Non-Food-Geschäft. This may be the result of a disruption in the purchase of items, the Deko-Kette-Depot reports insolvency in July.

The Lebensmittel-Discounter finds the right strategy in the range with the competition. Lidl goes on the attack, in July with the first action in a frontal campaign. Darin was able to compare his own White Lacquer with the competitors. When the war starts, Lidl would like to know that it is its own product. Discussions can take place in the industry. Trade experts have no intention of dropping Lidl. Before action, a ritterschlag dies, Kortum said.

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