
“Wild God”, the new album by Nick Cave: Wildes Schwimmen in a lake of Erlösung

“Wild God”, the new album by Nick Cave: Wildes Schwimmen in a lake of Erlösung

The smallest of the greats: Nick Cave ended up on the album “Wild God” when he dropped a hint. If Tod gives a Leben.

Another Mann is in Wasser. Das Licht – with a “golden tinge” is so big – that’s the moment when it has power, the party – and a song that goes to the lassen. In the first trophy of the first songs everything was good, the new album “Wild God” by Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds was released. “Song Of The Lake” heißt das Lied. One of the Stelle sang Nick Cave “Nevermind, Nevermind, Nevermind”, while Hadern was not around. It is a passion for the life of the 66-year-old singers in the passing of time. A war fell so tragically.

The keyboard is attached to the new Album, with Hörner, fine Guitars, Orchestral Breite. The Bad Seeds takes place in the shape of a star. They could all be intimate, even majestätisch, Hallelujah-artig. Dass Cave seine fabelhafte Band beim 18. gemeinsamen Album wieder more ins Holt, Power the Unterschied from the Vorgängerwerken “Skeleton Tree” (2016) and “Ghosteen” (2019). They had been valued by Verlusten for everything Tod had done with 15 years of Sohnes Arthur. Die Bad Seeds rückten aus dem Fokus. Classical song structures, in the cave as a greater variety, are not more. Stattdessen goes to Skizzen, who are in the Nebel blieben. There has started the website “The Red Hand Files”. The savory is a fragment of the fans – often with a part of the songs in the song art.

Cave, the most sinister Rock’n-Roll-Mann who looks at the sea and the sun, of which no one makes images for lies and delight, gets a “Wild God” that is played as bigger songs. Intensively man spürt die Wandlung (or Wiedergeburt?) in the song “Joy”. It is not that the Reason of one, the aufwacht and sich fühlt as “someone in my family was dead”. But something shines through, with the not more unconditional zu rechnen war: “We have all had too much sorrow, now it is time for joy.” Also ‘joy’. No happiness, son of joy. So much finer difference is meaningful.

Die neuen Songs stehen nicht mehr still in Trübsal. Vielmehr löst Cave in zehn Songs eine Hoffnung aller Traurigen und Trauernden ein: Finsternis und Trübsal erweisen sich als Teil des Leben, das trotz allem een ​​übersinnliche Erlösung, een joyful Erleichterung bereithalten kann. In Erinnerung an den Tod naher Menschen Cave said: “Das sind keine Dinge, die man irgendwannablegt, sondern man nimmt sie mit.” Cave where there is no cave, würde is not even in a Kirchenraum verorteten Method operate. Auf “Wild God” is a valuable (gospel) song. Once they sing “you sinner” (in the fairy tale “Cinnamon Horses”), then also “touched by the spirit” (in “Conversion”). It is a fact that it has been 40 years since a war and that there is no more war.

Sorrow, suffering and death come freely. In an autumn passion it is possible to work. Cave appeared in “O Wow O Wow (How Wonderful She Is)” by Antia Lane, one of the first partners and Bad Seeds Mitglied. In song is in 2021 deceased singer sogar zu Wort kommen. In 1984 “From Her To Eternity” appeared for the first album with The Bad Seeds. There is no question of any verwijs op werk. Sit with “Jubilee Street” on the album “Push The Sky Away”. It is a passion in the song “Wild God”. Von diesem Gott heißt es, er schwimme “to the hymn and swim to the prayer”. In the Lauf des Songs wird Gott zum Ich-Erzähler, Da mag dann Cave als Erzähler seiner seiner seiner acknowledge: “For I am a wild god who flies and a wild god who swims” (but Cave schwimmt jeden Tag, was seinen Trauerzustand verbesserte, who said). Before all have done the Reason of a thing, the ways of Delights and the will are to go.

Cave, Bible and Literature Festival, is then in “Frogs”, that is a “rainy Sunday” play, Songwriter Kris Kristofferson – een Anspielung en dessen “Sunday Mornin’ Comin’ Down”, in dem es um das Verlorensein geht en heißt: “…and it brought me back to something I had lost somewhere along the way.” In metaphor and Querverweisen, the songs are über-menschlich in a sinn, dass, wovon die Rede ist, jeden to meet and to meet kann. The ending is one of the melodies that a “She” dasitzt. Light, “yellow”, also fast, so whoever is “golden”, the number of the albums, comes through Fenster. “She” is waiting for, even if “He” is present, there is a lot of Grab risen, in Lumpen and with Wunden. Cave comes in Schluss’s song, the small beobachtung sei “good tidings”, a glücksmoment. And it is there in a Chor: “Peace and good tidings to the country”. “As the water covers the sea” heißt der Song. Unten im Meer bleibt der Schmerz. Once the Oberfläche has begun, the woman in the Songs von Cave begins her funkeln. Wild, aber erhaben. Mitreissend and fell Stellen.