
Aktionstag “Schichtwechsel” in Leipzig: People with and without behinderung tauschen Arbeitsplatz

Aktionstag “Schichtwechsel” in Leipzig: People with and without behinderung tauschen Arbeitsplatz

Einblicke in oder Arbeitswelten

In most states of work, work can be done to carry out or practically carry out the work. So beispielsweise in der Lebenshilfe-Werkstatt in Leipzig. When Olaf mixes the cleaning fluid in exact quantities in Flaschen abfüllt, am Donnerstag Frisörin packs Julia with some things at the Flaschen Labels. Julia works in a salon in Leipziger Süden. If you choose a hat with a rear guard, the hat will be more than interesting for the “Schichtwechsel”. I spoke to MDR SACHSEN said: “I thought the project was great and hated the lust, the reinzuschnuppern and all the knowing and the gucking, it was a lot of space but mal erwartet.”

Gegenbesuch in Frisörsalon

A working day in a workplace with a positive attitude: “Man is a bad thing. If we continue to work here, it is a beautiful working environment,” Julia reports. At that time there was a war with a woman from the Werkstatt in the Frisörsalon Arbeiten. That’s what it means: “Kathrin has things that can be done on their own, that they do not have practical consequences.”

Werkstattleiter: Gegenseitiges Interesse ist da

Erik Simchen goes over the years in Lebenshilfe-Werkstatt. With the Ablauf of the “Schichtwechsel”-Projekts ist sehr zufrieden: “Bis jetzt ist es durchweg positiv. You come with the people in Contact and the people since naturally auch interest, find that exciting and fragments of the Tauschpartner”, reportset there .

From the perspective of the human beings, the people behind them are said to be: “For the background of the human resources, the human beings are well prepared since, the theme of the human beings lives with them, they are one of the human beings braucht, die irgendwo mit anpacken.”

At the Leipziger Lebenshilfe-Werkstatt, the Frisörin Julia and Tauschpartner of BMW Leipzig, the Entsorgerfachbetrieb GfA Süd, Fielmann am Markt and the city Altenpflegeheim “Goldener Herbst” are part and ermöglichen the Beschäftigten from the Werkstatt ebenso an Einblick in the Arbeitsalltag.