
Lions Clubs Dachstein Welterbe: The Lions Club Dachstein Welterbe feierte seinen 10ten Geburtstag

Lions Clubs Dachstein Welterbe: The Lions Club Dachstein Welterbe feierte seinen 10ten Geburtstag

Gemeinsam mit Alt-Landeshauptmann Dr. Josef Pühringer feierte der Lions Club in his festive Rahmen en toller musikalischer Untermalung sein 10-Jahres-Bestehen.

Lions-Freunde en -Freundinnen from the entire Österreich come from the sailing Saarland, the Bürgermeister der Welterbe-Gemeinden, Unterstützer, Freunde and Familien can join the gelungenen Fest and work together with their beautiful Stunden words.
As location the Welterbe Wirtshaus Steegwirt would be chosen and on the lake meadow at the beautiful weather of the evening with a “get together” started. At networks that are active with the abwechslungsreichen, nail and the very desired drive with a traditional Fuhr über den Hallstätter See. Musically the tolle Mimmung of the Krenslehner Musi would be untermalt. A natural play and drink with “Xundem” from the region is best provided.

Durch den Abend führte Moderator Bernhard Kreuzhuber mit musikalischer Unterstützung von Leonhard Mayrhuber an der Klarinette (2. Platz beim österr. Lions Musikpreis 2024) and Simone Rehberger am Klavier (winner of 2024 “Prima la Musica” in the Bundesbene).

Emotional Reason and Glückwünsche der Freundesclubs, Danksagungen der Ehrengästen wie dem Lions Int. Director Karl Brewi, Chairman of the Patenclubs LC Wien Schwarzenberg-Hofburg Oskar Strauss, Governor of Distrikt 114-M DI Friedrich Kindelsberger and the Abgeordneten of the European Parliament Hannes Heide waited for the chairman of Lisa Eckel-Knoth, who was speaking for the LC Dachstein Welterbe entgegennahm, überbracht.

Surprises from friends make for a moving Festrede by Landeshauptmann a. D. Dr. Josef Pühringer were the highlights. The caricaturist and art teacher Aigerim Beken and party DJ Oliver Pusswald provide an unforgettable experience, which becomes an unparalleled and valuable Feier.

Thank you to the Steegwirts team for an extensive sales and cordial service.

Thanks to all the Helfers and Helferinnen, the photographers Klaus Krumböck and Bernhard Kreuzhuber for the Gestaltung during the anniversary celebrations, by Lionsfreund and Agenturchef Christoph Gessl of events and co, no other organization could do this.

“Do you know, who is it, what do you want to do? If you are a friend and a grateful person, is it all a question of joy of life that presents itself? It is a great gift for a person, and it may well be that intensive personal guidance, ideas and material, gentleness and unbureaucratic, quick and soul orientation offer their salvation. It can all be a very nice time. And a few years later, one of the many things we can do is Hilfe von Nöten. ”
Euer/Ihr Lions Club Dachstein Welterbe