
Mit Passphrasen schützen mobile Android device

Mit Passphrasen schützen mobile Android device

Mit Passphrasen schützen mobile Android deviceMit Passphrasen schützen mobile Android device

Passphrases are longer and more complex than a password. Mithilfe a Passphrasen-Generators weld them as einfach erstellen. A new generation of Zero-Trust solutions has adopted a password generator for Android mobile devices.

Keeper Security has developed a mobile device platform with a password generator. This new functionality is intended for Android devices and provides great and simple data for your contacts. There is a response, which involves risks caused by the high cyber threats. Passwords for iOS are listed in the boxes for you to use.

Passphrase is hard to crack

Schwache and commonly used passwords are an extensive Schwachstelle that applies to individuals in organizations. The password generator offers a simple way, there are alternatives to shapes. Passphrases are usually long and complex like traditional passwords. If you do this, it is important that you get these knacken. When conventional passwords often end the history of the world, the password is a higher level of Security than more likely Wörtern.

“We can use the passphrase functions as well as mobile devices and start with Android applications,” says Craig Lurey, CTO and co-Gründer of Keeper Security. “This functionality can be very high, right on the device. The fact is that you can concentrate on solving problems with your associations.”

Generator uses empfohlene Wortliste

The password generator is one of the existing password generators that are integrated, customized and flexible, the best option for your specific security wiring. The generator uses the Wortliste from 7,776 Wörtern, consisting of old companies, developed by the Electronic Frontier Foundation. Users can personalize your password with the help of unused parameters: Anzahl der Wörter, Auswahl a Trennzeichens and anyway with the Hinzufügen von Zahlen and Großbuchstaben.

Provide a password generator that provides Keeper with a longer logout timer for Android devices. These features apply to the timer timeout, from one minute to the maximum of two weeks. This update offers more flexibility in sitzungsverwaltung and comes with the knowledge about longer sitzungsdauer.

Gewährleistung von besseren Sicherheitsstandards

Keeper’s Platform vereinfacht de Prozess, passwords generatie, verwalten und speichern, indemnifying für einfache Generierung von safe recovery data, die verschiede Sicherheitsanforderungen erüllen. Administrators may have an idiosyncratic guideline for paraphrasing across time and widely varying security standards.

The improved Keeper Password Manager app for Android is available in the Google Play Store. Bewertet with 4.6 out of 5 stars, with more than 100K reviews and more than millions of downloads. The app is automatically activated for all registered users.

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Uber Keeper security
Keeper Security ensures the art and well-being of protecting people and organizations around the world from passwords, secrecy and confidential information. Keeper’s user-friendly cybersecurity platform is based on the foundation of Zero-Trust and Zero-Knowledge security, a Benutzer and jedes Gerät are schützen.

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