
Schauspieler Jonas Nay über KI: “Deshalb wird human Kunst überliben!”

Schauspieler Jonas Nay über KI: “Deshalb wird human Kunst überliben!”

The special Near Future Series “Concordia” (Sunntag, October 20, 10:15 PM, ZDF, broadcast in the Mediathek) portrays a fictional city, in all its residents’ freedom and total supervision by an AI hinge. This überwacht of Leben is a matter of room, microphone and live recordings. Die Gesellschaft in Concordia is liberal, diverse and positive. Will man cleanse his life in a single solution? Jonas Nay, director of the series trilogy “Deutschland 83 to 89”, could not be more schauspieler, as one of the best musicians and composers who play for film and series. The 34-year-old Lübecker lives openly, in their living and working life with artistic intelligence, they have a huge half. Did we become bald in a good life, in the previous artistic intelligence for art and disinterested solutions?

teleschau: Is it a ‘Big Brother’, or is this a problem?

Jonas Nay: I was a “Concordia” who thought that the boundary between dystopia and utopia had passed. And the series is characteristic of the moral aspects of an ambiguity. Jeder, the current technology, could get a prize. Go to the algorithm. There are now navigation systems, such machines, online orders or active social media. If we’ve done it, it’s not like we’re on a high Ross, but it’s quickly gone unnoticed. Trotzdem is still not Schritt, die daten een regeerungsautorität voluntarily preiszugeben, so wie in “Concordia”. Let the man take a look and the intestines follow the Regierung Glauben. Viele Menschen im Osten Deutschlands did not live in an Überwachungsstaat until the end of the 1980s.

teleschau: Who has worried about a Zukunft mit veld KI in unserem Leben?

No: I’m happy, that’s how we find it. Due to the many functions available, Lebens has become a real Art Revolution. If it is good, if it is good, people in their private lives for the room and other live dates of their lives, it is a large amount that we have written. It may be that there is a greater private sphere and a total overload.

“KI functions all the way through, including things that function properly”

In the Bestseller adaptation “The Tattooist Of Auschwitz” - seen on Sky - Jonas Nay (right) starred with KZ founder Stefan Baretzki. With the Lagerinsassen Lale Sokolov (Jonah Hauer-King) a perfidious Pakt is one. Die Rolle is interesting, we will once in a while

In the Bestseller adaptation “The Tattooist Of Auschwitz” – seen on Sky – Jonas Nay (right) starred with KZ founder Stefan Baretzki. With the Lagerinsassen Lale Sokolov (Jonah Hauer-King) a perfidious Pakt is one. That Rolle is interesting, we will work on “digitization” once in a while. (Image: Sky UK Limited)

Teleschau: Jede follows the series with a clip, in the messages from Concordia-Bewohner, who are doing so well in the AI ​​model town. There may be an argument that could lead to the following: the energy is extracted, the energy is criminated…

No: I don’t know much about it but it is negativ. If you stand up as a person, if it all involves the climbing walk, you will get Hilfe with a loose complex problem. AI is definitive, a separate problem that cannot be solved. Algorithmic thinking can be one of the results that help the efficient utilization of resources or a more ideal representation. A natural gift is on Borders. Zum Beispiel in der Medizin: The diagnosis can be an enormous help. Will man miss a chip in the 24th period of the Tag Körperfunktionen? So it was definitely what it was all about.

Jonas Nay in the series

Jonas Nay in the series “Deutschland 83”, which was started as a Prestige Object in the Sachen Qualitätsfernsehen von RTL – Einschaltquoten were 2015 jedoch een kleine Fiasko für den Sender. Internationally according to “Deutschland 83” with Ludwig Trepte (left) and no, jedoch ein Triumphzug. The other Staffeln “86” and “89” are near Amazon. (Image: RTL / Nik Konietzny)

Teleschau: Who intensively uses Sie KI in ihrem Alltag?

No: I am happy and would live here in the Old School countries. I don’t use ChatGPT nor Alexa or Siri again. My laptop camera is redundant and I lose the best protection if a video camera is used when I (laughs). Then aber gibt is Bereiche, da nutze ich si schon. As a musician zum Beispiel hat man bei der Produktion vale Vorteile durch KI. If you want to set an equalizer, it will automatically be set to the best sound. Or there is more information about: I think I need more information about your diktieren. A natural part of the navigation and video making that my band produces. You can remove a human from a statue by hand or weld it from AI. Note the function of the German faster and more precise.

teleschau: Berufe, die Sie concernen, kan in naher Zukunft durch KI grime verändern or sogar gefährdet sein: Schauspieler, Drehbuchautoren, Musiker, Komponisten – überall könnte die KI übernehmen.

No: I would like to know that we will be able to speak more about the service-oriented art. If I get into the royalties, KI will play a role as a composer as a film music composer. If you know the KI-gestützte system, it is good to work. The nehmen composers are involved in Sachen wie Orchestrierung ab. AI works in all ways that function according to the rules. When a man has solved a problem, the man might say: The taschenrechnermacht is faster. So it’s great with the AI. And yet I’m glad: In the best areas of art, people were not given any insights.

“Deshalb wird human art überliben”

In 2011, Jonas Nay played 15-year-old Jakob in the award-winning ARD Fernseh film “Home Video”. Der Junge has spent a seine ship Schule a Albtraum - there is a Cybermobbing option. (Photo: NDR / Gordon Timpen)

In 2011, Jonas Nay played 15-year-old Jakob in the award-winning ARD Fernseh film “Home Video”. Der Junge has spent a seine ship Schule a Albtraum – there is a Cybermobbing option. (Photo: NDR / Gordon Timpen)

teleschau: Welche Bereiche meinen Sie?

No: Bleiben wir bei der Filmmusik and discover our musical motif, the man’s best character traits in Filmzuordnet. Of course, any of these characters can be recognized in the image and perhaps celebrated during the celebration, but the emotion that the character conveys. Does power no longer have art, that man with ambiguous and irritated reactions? That man fell light, weil man if Künstler dieser Meinung ist, another Aspect of a Szene heraus kitzeln möchte as jenen, the “Daten” vorgeben? I am glad that people in art are always such after their individuals. Deshalb would adopt a human art.

teleschau: Eine schöne This …

No: That aber is not absent at all. KI is always Reproduction and Neuverknüpfung bereits gelernter Dinge. She schafft een meier van meinung nach aber keine originairekrediet.

teleschau: If you are a Hollywood-Blockbuster or a Fernseh-Krimis-anschaut, whatever the man is, you could write one of the KIs – so look forward to the experience. Vielleicht versuchen wir Menschen emptlich, Algorithmen des Erfolgs nachzuahmen. A man who is bald is unable to learn a little in AI?

Nationally and internationally, Jonas is always happy in his life. So war in the ARD Series “Ein Hauch von Amerika” (Szene mit Elisa Schlott) about the Nachkriegszeit in the American South German Province that will be broadcast in 2021. (Image: SWR/FFP New Media/Ben Knabe)

Nationally and internationally, Jonas is always happy in his life. So war in the ARD Series “Ein Hauch von Amerika” (Szene mit Elisa Schlott) about the Nachkriegszeit in the American South German Province that will be broadcast in 2021. (Image: SWR/FFP New Media/Ben Knabe)

No: it is a matter of more effort, but people can no longer look at the underworld, but at a personal stamp. Natürlich versucht KI in many cases Bereichen menschliches Denken nachzuahmen. Others are natural to Felder, I will die thinking of man, but we will keep machines in mind. Zum Beispiel im Bereich des actual Wissens. It can no longer be a human with an AI agent.

“With AI, who is with your new, revolutionary technology”

teleschau: What’s the matter with you?

No: In our emotional lives. It is a high intestine, which is standard in life. If you are a gefühlsgesteuerte Wesen, and you can no longer buy an KI. A child cannot have emotions. When you do a chemical process, there is no rationality. Wir suchen in der Kunst who im personal lives after the extreme special things. Dieser Bereich is not the star of KI, son of a human.

teleschau: Es gibt bereits Beispiele, wo Stimmen teils bestorbener Schauspieler in new Dialoge or Monologe verwandelt. If there is a game, which is digitally scanned, one of the KI errechnete new Szenen zu spielen. Power Ihnen das Angst?

No: I thought it was so cool, but that’s the Gefahr. The work in Hollywood put an end to the work, but it was no longer possible. Wir brauchen definitiv Gesetze and Regelungen zu all these themes.

teleschau: Were they as Schauspieler schon self affected by KI-Anwendungen?

No: Yes, I played in the international series “The Tattooist of Auschwitz” (according to Sky, d. Ed.). If you are in a digital studio, which can go through time, damn man in one of the KZ’s, nor in the total of the links after reading the konnte on the right. That’s what we ask for. When the time finally comes, my digital left to right goes to the weld, it is no longer possible to achieve a good goal.

teleschau: Eraser Sie denn, wurden Sie in der Serie digital eingetzt?

No: Say that man is my niece, aber man can do more spectacles, where man people for film digitalisiert. Ultimately, of course, weil man dann weniger Statisten braucht. The computer examines one of the old and bearing ones, looking for soldiers, and it is an excessive mass. The dimensions of reality come from the KZ Auschwitz-Birkenau and could be a man who was given a dish – and the man became so bad. Man duplicates a Baracken, Krematories and a human. With AI it is a new, revolutionary technology. Man can solve a lot of problems – and of course a bad one. (tsch)