
Shogoon lives in the Groovestation

Shogoon lives in the Groovestation

Am 8. November 2024 tritt der Rapper Shogoon in der Groovestation in Dresden auf. Das Neustadt-Geflüster liberates Freikarten.

Shogoon will be in the Groovestation on November 8 - Photo: PR
Shogoon am 8. November in der Groovestation – Photo: PR

The best artist is the rapper who is also active and who has a power in his name. With the debut album “Märchen” from 2023, the own label “Working Class Monopoly” was released, which rose to fame in the charts. Das Album vergild heute schon als Klassiker der Untergrundszene.

Shogoon verarbeitet in seinen Texten Themen wie das Aufwachsen am Stadtrand, Geld door de Großmutter und familiaire Konflikken. Auch 2024 is active: On September 13, 2024, the “Hunger Tape” started following the “Hunger Tour 2024”, which will be played through the various cities in Berlin, Hamburg, Cologne, Frankfurt and Minden.

The Einlass für das Konzert in Dresden starts at 6:30 PM, the concert starts at 7:30 PM. Tickets are available online and the available offers are available.

Shogoon lives in the Groovestation

  • Date: November 8, 2024, Groovestation, Katharinenstraße 11-13, 01099 Dresden
  • End: 6:30 PM, start: 7:30 PM
  • Tickets for 24.80 Euro
  • Das Neustadt-Geflüster delivers both two Freikarts. If it’s interesting, the writing has come to an end.


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