
Was the trade active?

Was the trade active?

It is a new order that has been written. That means there will be a strong 3.75% within a week. Since September 11, September is quickly 8%. The awards ceremony started on August 5 when the bulls received a plus of more than 15% (!) females.

Do you want to come to this Rally? The data for German Economics is catastrophic. It is now a light blicke. Aktuell can perform a mild reaction over the course of a year. Even the Federal Government, the Schon von Berufs roads Optimismus verbreiten muss, right in this year inzwischen with a Rückgang der Wirtschaftsleistung (BIP) um -0.4%. Longevity of the konjunktur changes as it remains in memory longer. This is not the case.

China: Enttäuschung über fehlende Konkretisierung

There are many people who can make the large expenditures, while the enormous investments in China take place in the concrete activities. Am Samstag has put the Finnish Minister Lan Foan at a press conference, which China said last year “anticyclical masses“It became worse, a nachlassenende problem and the crazy Wirtschaftsaktivität wiederzubeleben. On the other hand, the Volksrepublik die Ausgabe von Staatsanleihen zur Stützung der Konjunktur „erheblich“Erhöhen. With the middle solen, the capital of the state banks is increased, while the capital market is brought into swing and the capital of the state banks is increased. However, in those autumn leaves, details will appear on the planted Maßnahmen.

Those years will not last long, we will swim and carry out the realization of the konjunkturhilfen. The price on the stock market, which regularly explodes, is imploding. On September 23, a price of more than 28% emerged. September follows a rate of more than 14%.

In absolutes Zahlen: Zuerst went es in 10 Handelstagen 5,174 Punkte nach unten, then in 6 um 3,400 nights. If you want to know more than 61.80% of the cost sold. A theoretical sind noch 4 Handelstage übrig, um im selben Tempo that the Kursgewinne fully abzugeben, which were zuvor soulett.

The Übertreibung in the US is located in a fortress

The main group, where the DAX can find Umfeld in a few cases, is that he will find in the US. There are a few things going for the Aktienmark business, such as the strong profits that have been achieved. All offers in a Umfeld, in most markets, with an Abschwächung of the Wirtschaftswachstums-onderzoeks. This can happen if you come, who is the Konjunkturerholung in Germany. Do you have an idea that the DAX is at a new record pace to catapult?

If everything is in a passive passion, the saisonal commitment is inherent in the fact that one of the reasons is that there is a feeling of guilt. In October, the Aktienmarken business community became active, which said the next Saisonverlauf of the DAX from 1960 to 2023 beispielhaft.

I am celebrating the year 2024 since the stattdessen Rekordhochs am the Laufenden Band. Verrückte Börsenwelt!

The description of the ruins of Wochen and Monate is also a larger fortress. When a man starts working with an analysis of business results (the previous Börse-Intern von Torsten Ewert), he can use a number of analysis methods, with the human being in normal times on the market one of the most important things that can happen. This is the case in the area. It may be that a man does a few things, the kopf schütteln and staunen.

Would you like to point Elliott-Wellen in the right direction?

If you are looking for my active Elliott-Wellen analysis, you can choose the right path for your life this time. Here you can take the time to see the image, up to your intensity. If you look at the details, this is the analysis method you can use. If you want to know more about how to recognize trading, trading has become extreme, so you can look at the trading chart:

Verlief der Kursanstieg vom September wirklich 5-gliedrig? The Jedenfall is not endless. If there is no longer a right to the Kursanstieg reingekommen, there is no question of a bad assessment. Among other things: Solid consolidation after the Dow Jones price gain (gelbes Rechteck). Aber here fielen all Rücksetzer relativ kurz aus. So we were able to play with some of the visible Fibonacci Retracements (gray lines).

If someone in the law (green) of the Chart-Bereich has Elliott-Wellen status, then the Dow Jones is one of the five most recent results here. It is also a matter of the next treatment taking place.

A cleansing Korrektur lies weit zurück

If the Dow Jones has found another trend channel after coming out, it has been a long time since the Dow Jones has found a new trend channel – also a matter of confidence.

Zwischenzeitlich is one of the only things that can cause a major setback, but that after the Kursanstiegen überkaufte Zustände abbaut and so with a “sent” Aufwärtstrend führt, that is still the ABCDE-Formation of the passing years not more gegeben.

Damals finds this flood in the seasonal börsenzeit statt – namlich from Anfang August to the end of October. It is also a longer period of time and is ideally a short period in October (which follows the subsequent seasons of the Dow Jones from 1950 to 2023) – and not a single record, which is during the year.

And so before the Dow Jones sees the extreme price of the price from October 2023 to March 2024 sweet (+23.39%), in no time. This one is from the ABC correction during the summer, no matter how German. There is never an end in sight, the quirky seasonal phase ends bare and then the time of year has begun. If the man is natural, then the journey of the Dow Jones is no longer like that, but the Aktienindex within now a year gave more time as a Drittel (+33.44 %) that was so good.

Who’s the whole money coming to her?

How is it possible that people wonder what the money is worth if the exchange rate is nach treibt? When the time comes, the American nut market will soon receive 100 billion US dollars (USD) per month. The bank of the Zentralbank has reached its highest level in 2022 with a rapid USD 9 billion to a “now” or around USD 7 billion combined.

The financial markets will also be worth $2 billion. It is such a big surprise that at that time it is a KI-Blase pump-up hat, in one of the worlds (!) in the Zeitraum that has gained more than 2 billion USD per market cap – NVIDIA (NASDAQ:), with a a number of years ago it was as little as 200 billion USD. Erst before the agreement is concluded with a value of USD 138.07 at the highest level of the time.

While NVIDIA’s young market is quickly worth $3.4 billion. Thanks to the AI-Chiphersteller, Apple (NASDAQ:) (Jahresumsatz: 400 Billion USD, Market Value: 3.5 Billion US Dollars) dethroned as world champion, was busy with the autumn war in June.

Der Gesamtmarkt offers a cue ball that has been played once

I think it would be nice to have a Monaten a Tech-Trio – Microsoft (NASDAQ:) sitting in the Bunde – a kopf-een-kopf-run on the highest market capitalization. NVIDIA, Apple and Microsoft have jointly divided the weight. If an NVIDIA action kurskapriolens schlägt (see the following graph), then it is possible to distribute Auswirkungen on the Gesamtmarkt.

It is one of the most common breaks that the art of the Kurssprünge does not have with the fundamental Entwicklung of the Unternehmens or the joint (Welt-)Wirtschaft zu tun haben. If an action is played in the work, it is a fact that the gesamtmarkt is being worked on in an extreme form of energy.

In a sunny autumn, man can almost forget seasonality, analysis of analyses, fundamental analysis, charts, Elliott-Wellen analysis and any other method of market analysis. The function is no longer active. And then it’s a woman in Zufall. If a scharfe treatment from NVIDIA or one of the others can become heavyweight, then the stock market can be plundered from the Rot op Grün or from Grün op Rot schaltet.

Beispiel: Dow Jones

See for themselves the performance of the ABC-Correktur des Dow Jones vom Summer an:

Kurz zuvor war der Index über een striking Widerstandslinie (blue) ausgebrochen. With the Welle A test was done with the Welle C undershoot. Die Börsenampel schaltete von Grün auf Rot. Stubbornly, there was now a large group of experienced people who could abandon the over-the-top properties.

NVIDIA has achieved higher sales than a Drittel (-35.57%) during that time, making a market cleanup possible. This is the time when the company undertakes more activities and gives a bearish signal here. An extreme action of the action is taken with a value of +44.73%. Half of the market is a bullish comeback. And with this mistake by the Dow Jones, there is a new course. Die Börsenampel schaltete wieder von Rot auf Grün.

Anschließend brach NVIDIA wieder a, diesmal aber “nur” a fast a foursome (-23.09 %). Dennoch: Whoever will be charged with the market tax could deal with the Dow Jones with the German tax. Allerdingstestete der Aktienindex dieses Mal emptylich seine horizontal Line (blau) erneut von oben. While some of the NVIDIA stocks that are more than 38% active will leave the Dow Jones stocks, the new record prices will be there.

De Kuriose Daran: NVIDIA is not in the Dow Jones sector. The Action can also be connected directly to the index. The best is a high relationship between the Dow Jones and other US indexes, such as the S&P 500, in the NVIDIA sector. If the stock indices are a fact, then you can approach the Dow Jones.


Insgesamt works on the market for those who are faced with a game ball of the big technical world. An ordinary market is a man who has his own business. Problem: This unwanted market phase has stopped for more than a year now. In nature, no one will enjoy themselves on the Seitenlinie. It is true that all risks and opportunities have been magnified.

If you can make a broader analysis, experts will probably have a bigger problem with that market, but some analysis methods are now no longer functional. If you have reached the opportunity now, the risk is so great. That’s why it’s time for a Profi (Fund Manager, etc.), to be on the market.

And the more I can deal with the current text, if there is some information that can be described more thoroughly, even more than the risks that arise, which are given the opportunity to be taken into account:

Although the fundamental characteristics of its own company do not provide a good basis for new records and the trading markets, the active Bull Party hangs longer on the spark of the immunization of the anleger. This can happen very quickly.

Vertrauen Sie not blind the new Höchständen and the Aktienmärkten nach dem Motto “Dafür wird es schon good Gründe geben”. This Gründe is one of the few things that happen. If you take a new Long-Positionen position and the best positions absichern bzw. about the Investitionsquote dem Risiko Rechnung lagen.

With concrete words: Ist Ihre Investitionsquote hoch, Sollten Sie a large part of the positions for (mental) Stop-Loss absichern. If my investment ratio is light, it may happen that the risks face Rechnung. And in positioning, it is possible to buy and buy, can be a way to trade at the market level, a way in which the backpack can be put into the hole in the depot.

I wish I had fallen again, but I fell again in the Börse
Sven Weisenhaus