
VW Golf 8 GTI Clubsport versus Golf R | auto-illustrated

VW Golf 8 GTI Clubsport versus Golf R | auto-illustrated

The perfect power for a display of the different antennas is from the VW Golf. Der Alles, de Fahrschulauto, je kostenlos en fährt – vom Fan bis zur Grosi. In the active version of the eighth generation, the VW Golf GTI Clubsport with Frontantrieb (221 kW/300 hp) and the VW Golf R with Allrad (245 kW/333 hp) have been genüber.

Der Leistungsunterschied von driden zehnt zwischen de both Models that can work with vernachlässigen. There are still no good terms, one of the two concepts to test: a racing track. This issue is a test center for Forschung and Entwicklung at the Lausitzring in Berlin.

Vergleichen Äpfel met Äpfel

Let’s go with the VW Golf 8 GTI Clubsport. After starting the initial training, the first steps and the correct tempo of the movement begin. Ended, whoever praises the GTI can use the Schaumstoffwürfel for welding. Over time it passes over the Curb, the break and the break with the Scheitelpunkt of the Kurve are reached.

The Lenkung bleibt auch unter Verzögerung präzise. Because it happened so quickly and the problem of the Bremse renewal with light watering after breaking out, it was not really a problem. Sanft and Gas and with Schwung during the narrow Passage. Das Heck follows the lenkrad orders and ohne nervousität.

Schnelle Richtungswechsel lie dem Clubsport

Including the quick change of direction of the Kurve four that gets the best out of Clubsport with Bravour. Press the Scheitelpunkt with the accelerator in front of the Kurze Gerade, see them through the Pylone before and use the geese Platz until after the Mauer. If it wasn’t the case tomorrow that ESP-Eingriffen would continue, there would be no further problems. Engaging in the sport will allow you to watch the club sport at a more steady pace, even with a light knee wheel.

Möglichst fell Tempo mitnehmen

Die knitting Streckeviele Linien. So it is possible to look ahead with the design of the Scheitelpunkt and give hints about the light. Kurve is a long drawn 180-Grad-Kurve, followed by a long Geraad. Here it is difficult, perhaps even the pace of the mitzunehmen – also with the long distance between the paths and the long limits of the progress cycle. Hit the gas and hit the curb. This Unruhe does not bring the Fahrzeug from the seiner Stabilität.

Kurzer Wackler ben Heck

The Kurze Wackler am Hecks has made short corrections. Small breaks over time, with the closure of a steep hall and part of the Strecke in Angriff. The club sport sees it and the schaltvorgänge ploppen herrlich raus. Die Gerade ends in a passionate Bremsung nahe am Curb. Although it was a form shape, it could sail eight times in the sweetening phase. One part, Bremse loose, lets the hints disappear and weaves with a Crescendo and Gas.

Make a gap with the Fahrbahnmitte from another bend to the curb. Kurzes Wanken, kurzes Tänzeln, but the Fahrzeug bleibt een Zug control stabil. Abermals harte Bremsung in Kurve zehn, besser eng als weit, da man so im kurzen Abschnitt zur nächsten Kurve Weg spart and the Fahrzeug ideal for Kurve eleven hinge positions were kann. If this bend is found in any of the following steps, it is not that it is exactly about the entry speed, but it is a bend, a moment that rolls through the weld and how the gas flows to the gas. Zur Not the next time you go through the long bend with the maximum amount of water, you can go to your Soul Geraden.

Fazit Clubsport:

Clean hands, smooth lines, clear Lenk and Gas instructions. The GTI Clubsport said it was a challenge. It’s okay that the device is doing well. The traction in the Kurven power thanks to the feinen Quersperre a Spass.

Jetzt is the VW Golf R dran

Wir “R-fahren” the potency tests of all waves. You can see a Hot-Lap with a longer travel experience. If you are the R ordentlich you can stabilize the spur, but the fact is that being Ruder is one of the first things you encounter. Gleich wieder and Gas, over the Curb and through the wechselnden Curves. Including the Ausgang in the Kurve Drei and funf beeindruckt der R with a Fahrverhalten wie on Schienen.

Rasche Momentenverteilung

The moments when all four create tension are powerful and catapult the R with maximum traction at the guessed tension of the stretch. Because man is such a man with the R, there is a narrower line, the man with his carefree and pampering dispositions, which can have a good effect. Ebenfalls genau, aber mit mehr Kraftaufwand schrammt man long am ausseren Rand von Kurve sieben, ehe man bereits am Scheitelpunkt einfach the Hammer on the right pedal fallen welding. The human notices (and looks into the cockpit, the man falls at the moment the moment is activated), while the Torque-Vectoring system provides the opportunity to succeed.

Stabiles Verzögern

From high speed gain it is in R sehr stabil. If trail braking in the Kurve is amplified eight times longer and the R-drückt sich zum Kurvenrand is, soft drinks that line not sauber content could. If you follow the ideal line during more lenkeins – or schlimmer – Geschwindigkeitsverlust zu erzwingen, bleiben wir the unsauberen Spur treu and gehen früh möglichst wieder hart and Gas. The reforming traction has disappeared from the past. And nothing will happen to the R die Kurve new full. Make sure you enter the Curb and the Staunen while the Ober-Golf is working properly. The end of life of the cork is the lowest and the ability to stop in the bend is welding with rollers, before the heart of the gas.

The last steps are completely free from Bremseinsatz and now with punktuellen Gasstössen-gefahren. These do not bring the R out of the Ruhe and people stop in the surrounding regions of Drehmomentwelle and Kurvengeschwindigkeiten. When the longevity of the car is one of the moments in the cockpit, he or she can hang on the wall about Start and Soul Fegt.

Fazit Golf R:

An R can be more, was no longer on the Mehrleistung zurückführt. Black is more Kraft in the Volant and with Bremsen there is more Geschwindigkeit with a Ring. Absolute killer is the Kurvenausgänge: Fuss ausstrecken and the Rest das Torque-Vectoring übernehmen lassen. The Fahrer can indulge in the Fahren concentrates and will probably last a short time. If a donut is not frozen, R (which has a drift mode) may still grip.

VW Golf Clubsport versus Golf R – Das Ergebnis

Both are their own art and light class. The club sport was more like the driver’s car, but a few steps, the white side, was like that. Of course, club sport can be stimulated by someone else, but people will have the right to take action. As R obtains more information, a greater range can be achieved and come up with the schlampiger liner similar to the Kurs. Welcher der bessere ist, bleibt Einstellungssache. For our best party: A Fröntler can go to Sport. At the end of the tests, the VW Betreuer team in the Golf Round is loaded and the first famous Berliner Currywurst is essential. If all Rennstrecken-Performance is not good, it is true that cars both have a practical Kompaktwagen trade.

Text: GAT

Image: VW