
ANZEIGE: The Job-Ticket in Saarland | Employ

ANZEIGE: The Job-Ticket in Saarland | Employ

Rebate action of the saarVV force on 01.01.2025 lohnenswert.

The Saarländische Verkehrsverbund offers a number of institutions and institutions in the Saarland an exceptional power, which says mobility in the form of a word: Job-Ticket on Basis des Deutschland-Tickets. If it’s okay attractive promotion eröffnet der saarVV nor more robstätigen die Option, on the environmentally friendly and cost-friendly ÖPNV umzusteigen.

Preisvorteil für Neukunde until 30.06.2025

Worker, die ab dem 01.01.2025 I am looking for a job ticket and a German ticket as well as a job ticket available, available bis zum 30.06.2025 nor active prices. Der saarVV übernimmt die Preisdifferenz um höheren Ticketpreis starting from 2025 and guaranteed bis zu maximum see Monate the favorable rate. Wer too spatestens until 10.12.2024 We will be a communication partner and will continue to give you the next price. Of course there can be no question of reconciliation. The Rabattaktion ended on June 30, 2025. Tis gilded for all Unternehmen, Institutionen und Behörden, de Neukunden des Job-Tickets since bzw. in the last few months there were no Job-Ticket-Vertragspartner of the saarVV.

Background: Based on a decision of the private transport minister, the price of the Deutschland-Tickets would increase from 49 euros to 58 euros from 2025 onwards. You can go directly to the price of the job tickets.

Vorteile für Mitarbeitende und Unternehmen

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The Job Ticket of the saarVV brings happiness to workers. For budget cuts, it is a cost-effective, stress-free and convenient alternative to the car. The working path itself is characterized by an uncomplicated and environmentally friendly traffic environment. If it’s okay Zuschuss von at least 25% by the Arbeitgeber and weiteren 5% Rabatt vom saarVV, take advantage of the Mitarbeitenden-insgesamt von least 30% Ersparnis given regular ticket price. Not for the working life, but also in the leisure time, job-ticket-nutzer in the German land area can be used.

For your needs, your job ticket will be delivered quickly. It is not possible to arrange and bind the complicated construction and maintenance of the computer. South sinks the Bedarf and Firmenparkplätzen, and the Verwaltungsaufwand is light. The Bestellung, Abwicklung and Bezahlung followed directly on the Unternehmen, was for all Beteiligten bequem ist. Profits can be made by der Steuer- and socialversicherungsvrij FörderungWenn der Zuschuss zum Job-Ticket zuätzlich zum Arbeitslohn gewährt wird.

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