
Der Atem des Meeres im TV program: 04.09. – 10:35 PM

Der Atem des Meeres im TV program: 04.09. – 10:35 PM

» Poetry in Rhythmus of Ebbe and Flut «


The documentary film said that the university is the largest merging Wattlandschaft der Erde: das Wattenmeer. The film plays in the rhythm of Ebbe and Flut, erzählt of the außergöhnlichen Flora and Fauna, the natural connections of Life of Man, the Seasons, Life and Death, Storm and Stille. The UNESCO-Weltnaturerbe has had much attention and fascinating consequences.

Dart Counter

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    The author of the book is a translation of the original by Jan van Rees. The author has written a book about the work of the author, who has written a book about the work of the author, and …


  • Johann Petersen


    The author of the book is a translation of the original by Jan van Rees. The author has written a book about the work of the author, who has written a book about the work of the author, and …

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    The author of the book is a translation of the original by Jan van Rees. The author has written a book about the work of the author, who has written a book about the work of the author, and …

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  • The author of the book is a translation of the original by Jan van Rees. The author has written a book about the work of the author, who has written a book about the work of the author, and …

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  • Alexandra Hector


    The author of the book is a translation of the original by Jan van Rees. The author has written a book about the work of the author, who has written a book about the work of the author, and …


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  • Anton Bakker


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  • Sander Holthuijsen


    The author of the book is a translation of the original by Jan van Rees. The author has written a book about the work of the author, who has written a book about the work of the author, and …

    NIOZ researcher

  • Job ten Horn


    The author of the book is a translation of the original by Jan van Rees. The author has written a book about the work of the author, who has written a book about the work of the author, and …

    Redknot researcher

  • Angelica Kühn


    The author of the book is a translation of the original by Jan van Rees. The author has written a book about the work of the author, who has written a book about the work of the author, and …

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  • Ralf Lukkien


    The author of the book is a translation of the original by Jan van Rees. The author has written a book about the work of the author, who has written a book about the work of the author, and …

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  • Jorgen Nommensen


    The author of the book is a translation of the original by Jan van Rees. The author has written a book about the work of the author, who has written a book about the work of the author, and …

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  • Bianca Rasch


    The author of the book is a translation of the original by Jan van Rees. The author has written a book about the work of the author, who has written a book about the work of the author, and …

    NIOZ laboratory researcher

  • Lotte Sanders


    The author of the book is a translation of the original by Jan van Rees. The author has written a book about the work of the author, who has written a book about the work of the author, and …

    NIOZ researcher

  • Maria Schiffer


    The author of the book is a translation of the original by Jan van Rees. The author has written a book about the work of the author, who has written a book about the work of the author, and …

    Bird ringer

Shipping information


Original title:

The Breath of the Sea


Wednesday 10:09-12:09