
Titelkämpfe boats high-class Golf

Titelkämpfe boats high-class Golf

Brave. The club masters of the golf clubs Mud and Freizeitanlagen GmbH boats with exciting Wettkämpfe and high-class Golf. The optimal Wetter- und Platzbedingungen will be held on Wednesday, August 31 and September 1 insgesamt 32 Teilnehmer a, um who require Clubmeister-Titel zu erringen.

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When the gentlemen compete for three rounds, the ladies, seniors and seniors must provide evidence in their two rounds.

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Separating the title title can be the most deutsch, but in the senior war it is exciting to make it exciting. If the official game of the player is performed, the attack is on one of the most important spring festivals.

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Jasper Wuscher plays his life and dies in the Club Master title for the Men with the Schlägen Vorsprung. Smiljana Schieder triumphs for the Ladies. It is now the 19th title as Club Master in the Club! The title for the seniors goes to Klaus Arzberger, who in the past often stood on the Treppchen stand. When the seniors have Petra Zeller with a Zähler Vorsprung for Kornelia Noe, she dies when she has seen her master.

The official siege and abandonment of the clubhouse rank first in Frank Hollbach’s Four Categories.

Thanks to the Greenkeeper-Team of Rolf Schwing, who has achieved the optimum state of affairs on the Platz. Let the sponsors get a hint of 18. Thanks to Peter Trumpfheller. The club masters sound with a gemütlichen absence and the siege could now play the title of the club masters for a year, before the next meisterschaften start in September 2025. LM