
Wieder Tote nach Kämpfen und Angriffen in Gazastreifen Von dpa-AFX

Wieder Tote nach Kämpfen und Angriffen in Gazastreifen Von dpa-AFX

GAZA (dpa-AFX) – The Israeli army has settled in Angaben after its scare on Ziele in Dschabalija in the Norden des Gazastreifens fortress. While you are on the Samstag Dutzende, the army of Terrorists. For the Einsatz in der Gegend hatte de Armee Verstärkung as well as other Teilen des Gazastreifens geholt.

The Low in Dschabalija is catastrophic. In the area, in the camp fairy of times, it is a fierce sin, it is one of the most palästinensic messages you can see when you inform Israeli fear.

The palästinensische nachrichtagentur Wafa reports a commotion on the Mediterranean credit crisis Tote at an Israeli Luftangriff in Dschabalia am Morgen. In the south of the area it is going to be worth inquiring an Israeli Angriffs. In both cases there are some jewels that are a mutter and their children that they have been given. The Angaben are no longer useless.

The Israeli military went into battle with reports of the issue. The militia needs its own forces to remain in the southern Gaza Strip, while there were terrorist organizations before. “Those Truppen have the Waffenlager and eliminating terrorists, a sorrow for the Truppendarstellten”, this is the spark of the army that is active in both cases.

The Israeli Luftwaffe has entered Israel in the aftermath of Wednesday an am Massaker vom 7. October 2023. Terrorists have been captured, this is in another Mitteilung weiter. The Mitglied des Palästinensischen Islamischen Dschihads (PIJ) have invaded an Israeli border. If the Israeli military can no longer verify, it cannot be verified.