
HSV is happy with Remis against Nürnberg

HSV is happy with Remis against Nürnberg

Status: 04.11.2024 00:01 Uhr

The Hamburger SV plays in the 2. Fußball-Bundesliga and glückliches Remis against 1. FC Nürnberg. The “Club” is changed with its various Tormöglichkeiten um.

Jörg Strohschein

The Hamburger SV hates the entire series of the Sontagnachmittag-torwart Daniel Heuer Fernandes that owes to the 1. FC Nürnberg in 1:1 (1:0) and no longer appears as a goal.

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Trainer Steffen Baumgart’s Mannschaft has a smaller backstroke in the Aufstiegskampf. The team of trainer Miroslav Klose is adjusting the day on which the roads shift.

Both teams started off suspicious and defensive, the game was so much fun to play. If all else fails, if there is a fallen Tor, the Nürnberger will follow another ball rush in midfield.

Hamburg’s Elfadli eiskalt vor dem Tor

Stefanos Tzimas performed the Kugel, the HSV responded to a lightning bolt and said a nahezu perfect game. Striker Adam Karabec plays the ball when he is in the “Club” half, play on a target moment on his straight page, where Daniel Elfadli flach and demand from his guts with 1:0 (15.) abschloss.

Sportschau, 03.11.2024 15:30 Uhr

I am an Anschluss who wants so badly to help the party. The Baumgart-Team has more goals, but they will still be able to achieve great results. The Nürnberger does not lose his order and lies that the back stand has no other brands.

Nürnberg’s Tzimas with doubles Ausgleichkans

First after 43 minutes is the next Torchance – erneut for the HSV. Marco Richter opted for an Eckball from a distance, FCN-Torhüter Jan Reichert was on edge and was able to fan the ball.

While the big Torchancen overload the “Club”, but not before the break, the start is for a final pressure start.

Zunächst comb Stefanos Tzimas from the Gewühl and the Ball, separated from Kurzer Distanz at herausstürmenden HSV-Torwart Heuer Fernandes (45.). Nur three minutes später stand der Angreifer erneut alleine voor Heuer Fernandes und schoss diesen erneut an.

Michael Maske, Sportschau, 03.11.2024 15:30 Uhr

Nuremberg with great change during the holiday

The Nürnbergs continued their progress in the second half. Tzimas hatte aus sechs Metern die erneute Ausgleichchance, wieder schiterte is am HSV-Torwart (49.). View others by HSV-Stürmer Davie Selke from the meter tower on Ball nicht (51).

It is played quickly, nor in Nürnberger. But also Julian Justvan made a break from eight meters in the ultra-raging HSV-Torhüter (53.). Kurz danach war erneut Tzimas met een Distanzschuss, de Heuer Fernandes nach vorne abwehrte. Auch Mahir Emreli is a niece, the Abpraller (60.) in Tor unterzubringen.

Michael Maske, Sportschau, 03.11.2024 15:30 Uhr

Nürnberger Bann has broken HSV

With the new Torschuss from the Nürnberger all in the second half of the war it is then possible to broach. Emreli überwand Heuer Fernandes von der linken Seite en aus eight Metern zum hochverdienten 1:1-Ausgleich (63.).

Then both teams reduzierten with deutlich das Tempo, while the Nürnberger remained the active team. HSV-Angreifer Richter tends to go for the end, after a night battle in the “Club” -Abwehr, nor the Siegtreffer for the HSV on the football: Sein Schuss aus zehn Metern klatschte alldings nur gegen the Torpfosten.

Hamburg in Braunschweig, Nuremberg against Lautern

Für den Hamburger SV goes to the next Wochenende nach Braunschweig (8.11., 6.30 PM). Check out the game between 1. FC Nürnberg and 1. FC Kaiserslautern.

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