
Handballer in the Türkei ohne Golla und Späth

Handballer in the Türkei ohne Golla und Späth

Ohne Kreisläufer Johannes Golla and Torwart David Späth fight the German handballer from the EM qualifying game in Turkey in Ankara. Federal coach Alfred Gislason nominated for the Partie am Sonntag (15.10 Uhr/ARD) with Rückraumspieler Max Beneke and Joel Birlehm as two Torhüter and Routinier Andreas Wolff.

The 33 years of age of the German Rekordmeister THW Kiel would first have the DHB-Auswahl as Capital on Parkett-führen. Golla’s game has taken a back seat due to a problem with the Turk’s journey, which never started with him first. The DHB Team has won the Auftakt der Ausscheidung für die EM 2026 in Denmark, Sweden and Norway in the last Donnerstag and overzeugenden 35:26-Sieg die Schweiz.

Gislason erhofft like a duel with the Turks neben zwei Punkten or weitere Aufschlüsse for the anstehende Kadernominierung for the WM in January. „Der Start gegen die Schweiz and die personal Situation offers us die Möglichkeit, other Formations in Spiel zu sehen. They will always be more brauchen,” said the Bundestrainer.

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