
Baden-Württemberg: Vier Taverdächtige sollen Auto aus Hotel gestohlen haben

Baden-Württemberg: Vier Taverdächtige sollen Auto aus Hotel gestohlen haben

Vier Tatverdächtige sollen Auto aus Hotel gestohlen haben

In September, two men and two women messed around in a hotel in Stuttgart. Jetzt is on the letzte von ihnen in U-Haft. We were there to celebrate.

Stuttgart (dpa/lsw) – Two women and two men spend their time in Stuttgart in a hotel in a hotel and in a room with a high car. All four parties and sitzen in Untersuchungshaft, wie Staatsanwaltschaft and Polizei Mitteilten.

The suspects were in the hotel in mid-September and had first prepared a wall tresor. In the kitchen that costs more money, an amount of money can be exchanged. If a gaststätte does not earn more money, there is no question of higher costs.

Tatverdächtige sollen Autoschlüssel von schlafendem Gast gestohlen haben

Then you can enjoy yourself in one of the hotel zimmers, in a host family, or in a car park. The suitable car – estimated to have a value of 45,000 Euro – go to the dealer Tiefgarage. With the car you are happy with it. It is still not the case that I have received a hessian Marburg financing.

Three of the victims – two women in their lifetimes of 18 and 19 years and a man in their lives of 21 years – were now responsible for a few days of traffic in Ludwigsburg. Another way to perform the check. The 24-year celebrations were held during the Donnerstag Day in Ludwigshafen on the Rhine. Police officers from Rhineland-Palatinate are in a retirement party.