
House of Curries St.Gallen: Gewürze against the Winter Blues

House of Curries St.Gallen: Gewürze against the Winter Blues

So Tisch

Mit Gewürzen against the Winter Blues: A Besuch in the new «House of Curries» in St.Gallen

I am new to the «House of Curries» in St.Gallen, where everything is a hot dish. Koch Aaron Parpan serves würzige Eintöpfe aus all Welt. Ein Ort, der een cold Winterabenden Herz and Bauch warm.

Geschäftsführerin Arjeta Idrizi and Souschef Aaron Parpan at «House of Curries» in St.Gallen.

Geschäftsführerin Arjeta Idrizi and Souschef Aaron Parpan at «House of Curries» in St.Gallen.

Image: Niklas Thalmann

Info about «House of Curries»

Address: Augustinergasse 22, 9000 St.Gallen, 071 571 33 78
Opening times: Tue–Fri: 12–2 PM, 6–10 PM, Sat: 5–10 PM

It is delicious, soft, creamy and warm as a son. One Curry was a delicious Eastern Swiss Winterabend guttut. In «House of Curries» there is no new place near the «Sauceria» and St.Galler Engelgasse, but it is an exotic dish in the middle point. The host family sees a ray of sunshine in November.

The small Lokal im Ethno-Stil has been expanded. Reservations quickly become a problem, while the price is crazy. Includes three currys for your beef 20 francs for meat – one with fish, one with meat and one vegetarian.

Das Curry is served in a decorative manner. The portions are small, but that’s what they are. The long purchased sauce is halved and stored in the package. Auf Wunsch können Fleischbeilagen wie Poulet welded away or by Tofu ersetzt – very flexible.

The Abendkarte offers Currys, a Fenster in another world. From Tibet to Indonesia to Africa that stretches across the culinary Arches. Below you will find the Fesendschans, a Persian Curry-Gericht with Pomegranate and Walnut (27 Francs). The taste of the first Bissen is a joyful excess: Crisp-fresh Pomegranate core meets the fine Tiefe der Walnuss, the light bitterness from Limette and Zitronensaft is abgerundet. Crowned with the cue of a Hauch frischer Minze.

On the Abendkarte you can eat curries from all over the world.

On the Abendkarte you can eat curries from all over the world.

Image: nvg

Koch with gelben Handen

We are still hungry, we always have the Pakistani Curry Aloo Gosht empfohlen. With tomatoes and cartoffeln (23.50 Francs) it shines rotten and is spicy – ​​a feast for the Aromas.

If you damage the statistical prizes, the trip will be separated from the prize. If Curries take a trip, that’s a fact. If the jasmine trip is a duftender Jewelry trip (6.50 Francs) with Safran, Rosinen and Berberitzen. The Knoblauch-Naan (5.50 Francs) is sad for Fett who has a Schwamm and schmeckt kaum nach Knoblauch.

You can use the Asian cuisine, with the cozy frittierten-frühlingsrolls, the kitchen salad with chili and coriander or the Chinese cabbage salad with sesame dressing.

Aiming tips from Aaron Parpan, from 27-year-old Souschef. Seine Leidenschaft für Gewürze is not visible, but a signal from Turmeric gelbgefärbten Handen. “Curries since ready to eat,” it says. «If a curry tastes more, the balance must be maintained. Zu fell Zimt, en es schmeckt nach Glühwein.»

Seine Currys are so satiating, that’s why the Dessert – Mohnkuchen with Birne and Mascarpone – would be nice to try them last night. Draussen weht a kühler Wind through the Gases. Brechen die Gäste auf, with a warm Curry-Sonne in Bauch.