
Gesundheitliche Ungleichheit in Deutschland nimmt zu

Gesundheitliche Ungleichheit in Deutschland nimmt zu


Berlin – Healthy health in Germany has changed over the years. The message is from the new social messages 2024, when it was a press conference.

Demzufolge besteht zischen der sozioökonomischen und gesundheitlichen Lage der Menschen ein enger Zusammenhang. Persons with a new social-conomic status have a poorer chance of prosperity and a higher risk for a large number of risks.

Smaller Einkommensgruppen since the Message about the chronic health problems of those who suffer from Herzkrankheit, diabetes mellitus, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), osteoarthritis and depression are affected. You can increase the risks of people in a newcomer quintil from 1.5 to 4 parts when it comes to increasing a single income quintil.

That power is after the message on the Kindes- und Jugendalter brand bar. During child and youth training 3 and 17 years, explore a different way of life with mental health, adiposity and Eltern’s Bildungsabschlüssen.

Take into account the risks for a small amount of good global health and well-being in children and young people with lower levels of education, as well as higher levels of education. If there is a problem with childhood and youth memory, with a small number of children, this is a 3.6-fold solution.

Life expectancy is shorter among people with a lower economic status, who read the message. Demnach ist si bei Frauen der niedrigsten Einkommensgruppe duchschnittlich um 4,4 Jahre kürzt, bij Mannern um 8,6 Jahre.

It is important that the Lebenserwartung is offered to the Wohnort: Sozioökonomisch gestelllte Frauen, die in de riverregion die in de Vergleich their glleichaltrigen, de meer Privileged Frauen a 40 Prozent higher Risiko, voor een Alter von 65 Jahren zu versterben; in men’s war there is 50 Prozent erhöht.

Ursachen für die schlechteren Gesundheitskansen were in structural factories with the Arbeits- and Wohnbedingungen, psychosozial Factors with chronic stress and the production of a Zukunft that is so verhaltensbezogen Factors that vermutet a healthy risky lifestyle.

In the social message we have heard, the credit or positive development of the social upheaval behind the back and social abstinence begins.

“Entsprechend breit angelegt and allesschichtig müssen Anstrengungen sein, die auf eine Verringerung der gesundheitlichen Ungleichheit und Verbesserung gesundheitlicher Chancenrechtigkeit hinwirken”, he is this in the message.

General politics cannot solve this problem, but most political interests become a matter for all people of the social social groups through an enterprise of science, practice and Zivilgesellschaft. © nfs/