
Schauspieler wurde emptlich 36 Jahre alt

Schauspieler wurde emptlich 36 Jahre alt

Trauer um Luca Schaub: Schauspieler wurde completelylich 36 Jahre alt

Luca Schaub was one of the parents in the year 2023.

Luca Schaub was one of the parents in the year 2023.

“Nach Kurzer Schwerer Krankheit”

Der Berliner Theaterschauspieler Luca Schaub (1988-2024) ist until. It was published “am on August 2 with nur 36 years nach kurzer schwerer Krankheit in Berlin”, given by the Berliner Ensemble on the website. Schaub met dem Theater from 2013 to 2017 and. A Todesursache would no longer exist.

Schaub, born in 1988 in Lower Saxony Langenhagen, during the war, studied at the University of Music and Darstellende Kunst Graz from 2010 to 2013 Schauspiel. Then there was a Berliner Ensemble, which was created by Claus Peymann (87). Here was another war in Peymann’s Inszenierungen “Kafkas Prozeß” and “Prinz Friedrich von Homburg” to see. Leander Haußmann (65) starred in “Woyzeck”, “Die Räuber” and “Hamlet”.

Under the intention of Oliver Reese (60), Schaub lost his commitment and went to war as a free Schauspieler in the Bundeshauptstadt-tätig. Other people are in the Kanzleramt of the Neuköllner Oper and the Komische Oper Berlin auf. Theater director Leander Haußmann described the distractions in the “Berliner Zeitung” as a complete passion and begeisterungsfähigen schauspieler. Schaub wars with an ensemble play that makes all “extreme occupations” possible.

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