
Großbrand in Volksdorf: So it’s better with Block House

As the Einsatzkräfte der Feuerwehr in der Nacht zum Sonntag am Groten Hoff 12 in Volksdorf eintrafen, the flames sweep the living blocks several meters high. The dense Brandrauch is so close to the Mehrfamilienhaus that he leaves. Big alarm! A hebammenpraktijk comes from a Block-House-Restaurant that goes through the Flammen-beschädigt. Now it is possible, because the restaurant is open.

Rückblick: Kurz nach Mitternacht would alarm the Einsatzkräfte der Berufssowie der Freiwilligen Feuerwehr zum Einkaufszentrum „Weiße Rose“. Another problem is that a Baugerüst or a Baugegenstand stands for a Geschäft in Flammen Stehen Sollen.

Nach Großbrand in Volksdorf: Praxis ausgebrannt – Restaurant damaged

The Flammen breiteten sich quickly aus. About 30 occupants must be removed from living quarters. No one was spoiled for joy. The evacuee resident cannot ride in an HVV bus. Zeitgleich shows that there are flames in the Erdgeschoss des Gebäudes.

It was a war of Fire, but it is not clear. When the Räumlichkeiten were a dry Hebammenpraxis by the Feuer completely zerstört, the Brandschäden both the benfalls affected Block-House-Restaurant say that they are less likely to be fürchtet. An overload through Block House itself has been created, the facade is fully illuminated and the air bubble has disappeared during the fire in progress.

Janette Harazin worked with her husband for her extensive Hebammenpraxis in Volksdorf. Sebastian Peters

Janette Harazin worked with her husband for her extensive Hebammenpraxis in Volksdorf.
Janette Harazin worked with her husband for her extensive Hebammenpraxis in Volksdorf.

Block House Volksdorf can open its doors to the public

Frank Sellhorn-Timm from Block House Volksdorf said: “The terrace-free seasons will please and make the repairs. With plans, if you take a Freitag trip and are a guest staying at the gemütliche Block House Volksdorf, you will plan to go home.”

Before practical practice focuses on its use, this is not the case. The betreiberin is such a new Räumlichkeiten. Zeitgleich would have a spending campaign for the starting practice, a fire damage to the financing.