
“Bauer sucht Frau”-Kandidat verlässt Show after a night

“Bauer sucht Frau”-Kandidat verlässt Show after a night

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In the active Staffel of “Bauer sucht Frau”, Landwirtin Saskia has taken on an unexpected task. Another answer is that you can use the fresh Australian products.

Harburg – Bei “Bauer sucht Frau” did not see the Herrenwelt, with the Unterstützung von Inka Bause (55), die great Liebe zu finden. Anyway, the woman is gone, so who will die in the coming years from the Weihnachtsbaumerzeugerin Saskia (35) from the Harburg district. When the morning begins, the situation has been exceeded.

„Das schmeichelt schon“: Two men build with „Bauer sucht Frau“-Kandidatin Saskia

In the siebten Folge von „Bauer sucht Frau“ deutet Moderatorin Inka Bause en: „Eine Nacht mal daüber schlafen Bringt oft Klarheit“. This is what it says: “Bei Bäuerin Saskia takes care of our own unerwarteten Entscheidung.” Saskia has loaded the Bewerber Raik (24) and Martin (30) with first knowledge. While the men spend the night in the hotel, Saskia triffs on the Vorbereitungen. “I would love to be there, that Raik and Martin will be with us at the Hof”, says that it is so.

When the Candidates of “Bauer sucht Frau” meet with Saskia, their Begeisterung can hide. You hear an interview with him: “That’s great, that’s both interested and comfortable.” It is so great that the situation for your Auserwählten-compliziert sein könnte, that now two Manner is a work. One of the men is that the situation is stressful if there are problems.

After a night: “Bauer sucht Frau” – Kandidat trifft schwere Entscheidung

Während Saskia de Männern Getränke serves, Raik works. There are few emotions, it is not burdensome. “I am not a leader so good, that night,” said the 24-year anniversary. Dann is the Katze from the Sack. “I have a good attitude,” Raik said, “that is a leader not for me.” Deshalb möchte is früher abreisen. His divorce damit began in an Einzel interview, which is no longer possible in the Dreier-Konstellation.

Für Raik is the „Bauer sucht Frau“-Reise vorbei. There is more Saskia who has more knowledge.
Für Raik is the „Bauer sucht Frau“-Reise vorbei. There is more Saskia who has more knowledge. © RTL

Saskia is an Abreise owner, but she can Verstehen Raik: “I have nothing if a company is in the ground, but it is an einfach in the situation that is in the situation.” Martin can look forward to the new Entwicklungen. “I feel very comfortable with myself, Saskia and I have more leisure at the garden,” I feel happy. It looks like the thing is in the bowls that Saskia and Martin are dealing with. Auch Kandidat Olaf nimmt an der Kuppelshow teil, jedoch am Ableger. For the story “Bauer sucht Frau International” is an emotional story that challenges Schritt. Spoiled Quellen: RTL+ / “Bauer sucht Frau” (Staffel 20, Folge 7)