
“Sie bedeutet mir alles”: Varfolomeev, Olympiasieger in Gymnastik

“Sie bedeutet mir alles”: Varfolomeev, Olympiasieger in Gymnastik

– “Sie bedeutet mir alles”: Varfolomeev, Olympiasieger in Gymnastik

Darja Varfolomeev is happy about it Joy and there are some beautiful stones with the gold medal in the Neck. 345 After a lifetime of fun, the triumph of both the World Masters was celebrated in the 17 years of the first German Olympians in Rhythmic Gymnastics. “Das bedeutet mir alles,” it says. “It is unglaubliche that all things, the Schweiß, the Tränen and the Schmerz are so good and that a gold medal is a Hals tragedy.”

Varfolomeev triumphed in Paris in der Gesamtwertung mit Reifen, Ball, Cologne und Band, erzielte 142.850 Punkte und brach in Tränen aus, als die Ergebnisse hörte. “I have one thing, that I have four saubere Übungen gezeigt and durchwaarden habe”, says this. “Then those emotions are still there, so they are gone.”

The war with the Deutschen Turner-Bund (DTB) takes place in the first medal at the games in the Franconian Hauptstadt and the first Olympic Medal in Gymnastics is bronze during Regina Weber 1984 in Los Angeles.

Kolosovin love in fourth place

Borjana Kaleyn from Bulgaria won the Zweiten Platz with 140,600 points ahead of the Italian favorite Sofia Raffaeli (136,300). The German Gesamtturnmeisterin Margarita Kolosov from Potsdam laid out the Fourth Platz with 135,250 Punkten and few anschließend offen.

“Damage, weil der vierte Platz der schmerzhafteste ist,” said Varfolomeev, which is his training partner in the tröstete. “I felt like this: ‘It was okay, Marga, we were going to see it, there was no more Olympic Games, and we were happy to see it, it was possible,'” the Olympian reported.

Unsightliness in the Qualifikation Verlogen

In the qualification I gave Varfolomeev a crazy Auftritt. When you make a ride and roll on the bottom, the soda with some other flavors is necessary. There are a few knots in the tire that a valuable punk costs. Trotzdem invests the European Europameester on the Zweiten Platz in the qualification behind Raffaeli and for Kaleyn.

I am the last war that does not last longer than the war. High power and with seemingly mute lightness the emphatically strong Turner presented himself in his work with high degrees of heaviness. After three machines he was ready for 2.3 points in front of the second platform. After the band has left the band, he is helped by a hearty embrace from his coach Yuliya Raskina.

“I can enjoy it, I was passionate about it,” said the 42-year-old, who was waiting for the next visit to Paris: “You must be aware of the Olympic Games, you are so stressed, you are always welcome, you are always commenting and commenting, was möglich ist and was nicht. And Varfolomeev said: “For the beginning of the season, we knew that our souls were Olympic Games. Die Wettbewerbe davor were nur Übung.”

Rhythmic Gymnastics has been an Olympic sport in Los Angeles since 1984, when Regina Weber was the first and only German to win a medal and a black Bronze.

Durch ihren Großvater kam Varfolomeev in Deutschland

With his Olympic victory, Varfolomeev crowned an extraordinary career. My third year began with his mother’s rhythmic gymnastics. If you are years in the western city of Barnaul in Germany, initially in your parents and without the language to speak.

Her German superpowers allowed her to change her citizenship. She now lives with her father and her Chihuahua in Fellbach near Stuttgart. Her mother is still in Russia, but she, along with the rest of her family, was present at the gold medal event in the Arena Porte de La Chapelle. “It was worth it anyway, because it was my own decision to come to Germany to achieve my goal. Initially, my goal was only the Olympic Games, but after last year I realized that I can expect more from myself,” she said, before disappearing into the arms of her family.

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