
Aktien New York: Gewinne – richtungslos am Ende einer schwankungsreichen Woche

Aktien New York: Gewinne – richtungslos am Ende einer schwankungsreichen Woche

NEW YORK (dpa-AFX) – The turbulent US-Börsen have a Freitag that has financed no clear direction. Zuletzt gewannn der Leitindex Dow Jones Industrial 0.08 Prozent auf 39,479.37 Punkte. Die Wochenbilanz beläuft sich damit auf min 0,6 Prozent. For the marktbreiten S&P 500 this amounted to an amount of 0.37 percent at 5339.21 Zähler hoch. Of the technology-challenged Nasdaq 100, which reached a value of 0.45 Prozent at 18,496.44, a Wochengewinn of 0.3 Prozent was bedeutet.

If you spend more time on editing the montage, then this is the German German language. Before you worry about an American resolutely after a series of conjunctural dates that would make the Donnerstag-vergangener, a threatening Talfahrt payment would take place. Stabilizing the service is the task of the New Yorker to give direction. The new back to work center follows on Donnerstag thanks to the sharper Data vom Arbeitsmarkt again a powerful experience.

“Market volatility can still be a certain point,” says Mark Haefele, Chief Investment Officer at UBS Global Wealth Management. It is not possible to react, if the market immunity changes, empfahl er.

Eli Lilly’s stocks held their recovery rally strong with a plus of 5.7 percent, which began before today. Thursday has a strong preference for the pharmaceutical industry with a strong forecast. There were excerpts from the paper of the banks of JPMorgan and Goldman Sachs: they were with prices of 0.8 and 0.6 percent of the best Dow values.

Days were about Halbleiterhersteller Intel die Talfahrt nach der jüngsten Stabilisierung weiter: Die Aktien los am Dow-Ende 3.2 Prozent and were also Schlusslicht im Nasdaq 100.

More food from the Switzerland Reihe stachen ebenfalls mit deutlichen Kursausschlägen heraus. Expedia has a 9.7 rating for the online travel experience that has been a great experience for the last quarter of a year. Including the grim field of the Wachstum der Übernachtungen aus. Expedia warns of a warning in the Laufenden Quartal.

For Paramount Global, the Zwischenbericht is only 1.6 percent higher. The media group transfer with the bereinigten Gewin is the action of the Consensschätzung. There is a depreciation of 6 million US dollars for the cable networks in the United States and one of the American companies is a 15 percent of the shares, which will no longer be insulted. First the competitor Warner Bros. Discovery had soared 9.1 billion dollars on its TV channel via CNN and Discovery.

The Pitney Bowes stocks came into existence on Friday at 11.3 percent high. The shipping and postal service manager grew a better as the quarterly sum was added. There is a great influence on the fact that a company is a company with the financial services holding Hilco Global a large size of the e-commerce companies that have a bankruptcy fund to liquidate.

The anteilseigner of Five9 has to craft a 26 percent corkscrew. The providers of call center software will be available in the future. I have started to compile the orders, the companies in the budget roads of the turbulent economic environment had geürzt./gl/he

US46625H1005, US38141G1040, US4581401001, US5324571083, US7244791007, US2605661048, US6311011026, US78378X1072, 2455711, US30212P3038, US33830 71012, CH0244767585, US92556H2067, US9344231041