
Italian women win gold in Madison at 2024 Olympics

Italian women win gold in Madison at 2024 Olympics

The Italian women’s cycling team has won a medal at the 2024 Olympic Games in Paris, the last time in the Disziplin Madison. Chiara Consonni and Vittoria Guazzini have found the eleven Medaille nach Hause, which on the first Platz with 37 Puntten invested. We follow Great Britain (31) and the Netherlands (28).

Olympic Games Paris, Canutin zwungen, die Aufschrift zu verdecken: “I am Ukrainerin”

The Gold Medal

Frustrated by Chiara Consonni and Vittoria Guazzini for gold in the Bahnradsport, Disziplin Madison, at Paris 2024. “A wonderful phenomenon – said Consonni at RaiSport -, I showed the story of the riders that Vittoria had a beautiful Schwächen out of it. It was an improvised war in Madison, which was improvised by all things, which played a big role as a self. ” “That’s not true, she had legs like a world champion… – Guazzini said about his team colleague -, I say ‘again it’s clap or it’s not clap’. And we won the Olympics! That’s more with the heart than with the legs. If you make an appointment with your sister, if you have an idea, it’s not good. “

Chiara Consonni

Chiara Consonni is 1.65 m gross, was 24. Born in Ponte San Pietro (Bergamo) in June 1999 and is 25 years old. In de Familie ist der Radsport zu Hause: Sie ist die Schwester von Simone ConsonniOlympian winner in the Mannschaftsverfolgung at the 2020 Olympic Games in Tokyo. If you are in the world that goes through the Wunsch, it is worth saying that your Geburt is his greatest source of inspiration. In the Kurzer Zeit it is so that one of the many sprinters falls on the international stage. Chiara widmet herself both on the road and on the track. We have written the Silver and Gold medal in the Mannschaftsverfolgung at the World Cup in 2021 and 2022.


If you have an Abschluss in Wirtschaftswissenschaften, is a Schwäche for the Haustiere and interesting for your Freizeit for Fashion and short music. Rebellious, extrovert and immersed in a Lächeln in Gesicht, considers the Nationalmannschaft as his second family. Ihr Traum wars is on the podium during the Olympic Games 2024 in Paris on stehen.

Vittoria Guazzini

Vittoria Guazzini was born on December 16, 2000 in Pontedera (Pisa), is 24 years old and 1.76 m gross. She started in the early years of the year, thanks to the initiative of a family friend, which they brought, at the Velo Club of Seano, a benachbarten Dorf and Heimat Poggio and Caiano in the Toskana, anzumelden. Schon in der Jugend teilte sich zwischen Straße und Bahn auf und erzielte zahlreiche international Erfolge in both Disziplines. For 17 years, the National Mannschaft has been robbed and the career in the blue Trikot has become a gold weltmeisterschafts medal in the Mannschaftsverfollowing and two Europameistertitle (Madison and Mannschaftsverfollowgung). I died in Wollongong in September 2022 first U23 Weltmeisterin in Einzelzeitfahren the history.


He’s an athlete with a thing rocking Seele, who in his handsome leisure likes to play E-Gitarre. Before the sport enters a large part of the alltags, the war can call a band with the name ‘Go Home’. It is absolutely necessary that the natural gymnasium and the work do not take place in the Wunsch, in Zukunft ihr Studium wieder aufzunehmen.

The Disziplin “Madison”

The Madison, an “American” guy (that’s right, even though it’s Madison Square Garden in New York was delayed), is a Disziplin in rail racing. It is a matter of a punk, while the teams with jewels have two other players, who are themselves in racing. The final evaluation is carried out after the number of each team completed runs and in run equality after the number of the points created in the two-way sprints.

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