
Turkei – Deutschland: Final in Streit über Döner Kebab

Turkei – Deutschland: Final in Streit über Döner Kebab

The answer to the naming would appear in the EU message in April. Auch Drittstaaten buy products in the Union schützen lassen, was reported in the autumn by the International Dönerverband (UDOFED). The “Kulturkampf” is in the individual Runde, schrieb am Freitag der German “Spiegel”. De EU-Kommission prüfe aktuell deutsche Einsprüche.

A German Medien hatten in de letzten Monaten Befürchtungen geäußert, een Entscheidung zugunsten der turkische Seite könnte das End des Döner in seiner bisherigen Form bedeuten. The following years, the aim of the research is no longer a recipe and with the best results that can be achieved.

Buying is a requirement

Um dit dreht sich der Streit. Some of the anthragen used in Germany (if they are in the east of the country) are Fleisch von Kalb, Jungrind and Pute which are no longer used so the end product is sold as a product. From the view of the UDOFED hat Döner names aus Fleisch von mindestens 16 Monate alten Rindern or der Keulen- en/oder Rückenfleisch von mindestens sechs Monate alten Schafen zu besthen.

Man eating Kebab with Schar Kalaene

The “European” version will yield a positive result. Conclude no more döner is generated

A legal alternative to the sale should be that meat, meat and/or meat products are prepared again. Both recipes are in the Turkish Antrag and the EU-genu-beschrieben, Mixing ratios, ingredients, processing and rest times are included. It is clear that if the Fleischscheiben are, they come on the Spie.

The upliftment is great

Der Antrag beschreibt auch Herkunft, Etymologie und Geschichte des turkish exportschlagers, der in de 1970es nach Westeuropa kam. In Greece it is Gericht like Gyros longer. Das Wort Döner leitet sich vom türkischen Verb “dönmek” (sich drehen) ab. Kebab covers all possible arts and crafts bzw. grilltem Fleisch and hat seinen Ursprung im Nahen Osten. The Turkish Küche has rich varieties davon.

In Germany, the development in gastronomy and the Fleischwirtschaft jedenfalls groß, schließlich were targeted with them, most as Fast Food gegessen, beträchtliche Umsätze gemacht. The decision regarding the protection of the court will be completed by 2022. Nun sei die Prüfung in der „heißen Phase“, dit is een Freitag. There would be no more money to finance, but it must be a matter of EU Central State representation with the fall.

“Keine Vorgaben from Ankara”

The prominent representative of the Turkish ministers is the German Minister of Agriculture Cem Özdemir, who is himself a Turkish einwanderer. “The doner is heard in Germany. Anyone who appeals to a common world here can only distinguish themselves from the rest. I think it is no fun to come from Ankara,” writes End July on Onlinedienst X. Bavaria’s CSU Prime Minister Markus Söder also comes out as a doner fan.

Neben dem Ministerium bzw. the Bundesanstalt für Landwirtschaft en Ernährung (BLE) extends to the Verein Türkischer Dönerhersteller in Europa (ATDID) and the Deutsche Hotel- und Gaststättenverband (DEHOGA) at the EU-einspruch gegen the antrag on a tradition as traditional specialties.

From for vegetarian option

The DEHOGA argumentation is based on the ministry: If state secrets work, it is worth making a fair agreement with the consumer: “The following note is new: it is inexplicable ambiguity and intransparenz, Abgrenzungsschwierigkeiten and Rechtsun sicherheiten”, so the connection in one Aussendung End July. Just say it, it is a matter of more time.

Gleichzeitig gilded: The Fortification of Production in Germany was no problem. If the EU-Siegel is “geschützte Ursprungsbezeichnung”, the champagner will be restored in the French Weinbaureregion Champagne, the EU-Siegel is “guaranteed traditional spezialität” German champagne. Here the production process is linked to a small area.

Beachtlicher Wirtschaftsfaktor

In the Streit it is not the case that the money fell. Laut ATDID wurden zut europeweit etwa 400 Tonnen Döner pro Tag produziert. The recovery is based on sales since 60,000 people are born in the sector, and the annual European income is estimated at 3.5 billion euros, with the largest share of 2.4 billion euros in Germany and Germany.

The doner had led to diplomatic agreement in April. German Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier war with a doner skewer from Berlin in the package of the state budget in Turkish history. The war that was waged by the Turkish migrants in Germany, thought that the Turks would never be a good idea.