
Terror suspects bei Bandekrieg dabei – Eltern veridigen ihn

Terror suspects bei Bandekrieg dabei – Eltern veridigen ihn

Terror suspects bei Bandekrieg dabei – Eltern veridigen ihn

Luca K. found the “right hand” the “best Kumpels”. Beran A. planned to make a mass 19 years ago at one of the Wiener Taylor-Swift-concerts.

The State Attorney’s Office has known and planted the Terror Plans 17 years ago, Beran A. at the duration of the Anschlags to begin with.

Family tribute from “völligem Unsinn”

The family of Luca K. is not in the “Krone” with Nachdruck den Vorwürfen entgegen: “Luca is in Wahrheit a total lieber, damage loser Bub”. Seine Freizeit is more comfortable, with the Fahrrad spazieren zu fahren or with Freunden – often zu Hause – zu “chillen”. Laut Informationen der Krone soll is aber an een Schlägerei in Meidling, im Zuge des Banddenkrieges, beteilgt gewesen sein.

Friendly friend

“Luca hat mit Terrorismus nichts zu tun. There is a more normal Jugendlicher“, concrete sie. Auch de Beziehung zu Beran A. wird von der Familie verharmlost: Beran kenne is „schon seit seiner Kindheit. They both go to Tratschen and Späßemachen.”

Anwalt and Schwester represent Luca K.

Nikolaus Rast, the Anwalt von Luca K., concretes die western Lebensweise seines Mandanten: „Wie seine Familie den het den IS“, so Rast. Luca Ks Schwester said: “My brother is not an Islamist in itself; If religion is still not to blame, this is a good thing. Below you will find beautiful, kirchliche messages. Furthermore, I would like to say: There is not a Bart waiting for me.”

All days and working hours

After graduating from college, Luca K. began training as a voltage technician and builder of a professional company. “A few weeks ago, Luca worked in Carinthia at the Rammstein Concert. It is a fact that a few things happened that are an IS supporter,” the family argues further.

Staatsanwaltschaft is sceptical

The Staatsanwaltschaft führt de Ermittlungen against Luca K. weiter. The arguments discussed and the family situation were reflected in the Rahmen that were tried out.