
Who would have the Dmexco in Zukunft aussehen, Verena Gründel?

Who would have the Dmexco in Zukunft aussehen, Verena Gründel?

The place to be for Entscheider:innen – das will leave the Marketing-Messe Dmexco with Verena Gründel signal. The former V&W Chief Editor who took up the position of Director Brand & Communications of Dominik Matyka in February 2024. There is little light in the bag: In the context of the loss, the Messe under the other with sinking Nachfrage bei Aussteller:innen zu kämpfen; like a more modern Messe, the OMR is gilded.

Gründel has set a clear mind, the Dmexco should become the place for management teams. When you go on tour, it is important that the Chief Marketing Officer has a new content format. Marketing is a form of marketing abroad – I could use another interview with t3n.

t3n: You signed up as Director Brand & Communications in February 2024 – were you planning to attend Dmexco with Blick?

Verena Gründel: I started with very many ideas. The whole fing schon veel eher an, in the framework of the advertising process. Clearly war for me, the maximum attractiveness of Dmex, not emotional, but also make; There are more details about the plugs. Another point is the content classification, which is focused on its content. While the dialogue continues throughout the year, the ongoing glazing of the industry continues. While wool is more in the middle of the marketing departments, digital marketing can be used in the center of the marketing departments – the themes and herausforderungen of the CMOs are actually all digital. Digital Marketing is vom Marketing is nothing more than a trennen, digital Marketing is Chefsache.

t3n: Would you ever go on Tour – is the turnaround of the “nahbaren Machens”?

It is a larger part of the day. During the war that fell on the Tour, the market had come to the market and there was a braucht. You can start the Pre-Games of events – exclusive network referrals with top referees and referees. Tuchfühlung with the industry is unimportant.

t3n:Was the feedback you received: Were there any pain points, or were there any problems?

I was really surprised. The positioning as a Leitmesse for Business in Marketing, the Dmexco is a year long, comes to the Community good and. Often it is the case that the positioning is not good, if the person has a better time, then it is in that time, in the budgets, and everything that happens in the field of efficiency, is a real problem. If the Director Brand & Communications no longer had passion, it was possible that the Director Brand & Communications would not have passion: the people who looked, were perhaps worth it.

t3n:Also, the Dmexco is primarily a Veranstaltung, while the Geschäfte was gemacht – was it with the Wissensvermittlung, Weiterentwicklung and Innovation in Marketing? Is there no question of a fragment?

These are two sides of a medal: Business and Know-How Transfer. We are grim, the conference is still a meaning that is won. We have responded and launched a new format: the CMO Summit on the Center Stage. If you get started with the hand, there are probably many digital improvements to the CMOs: you have gained insights into programmatic programs, analytics and more from Cookie Aus. On the other side, one of the number one Speaker Ratings said: Many CMOs want to share their knowledge.

t3n: Do you have tantrums, can you build your business if CMOs are grateful? What are concrete questions?

It may be difficult to know that companies and brands can position digitally in a glubwürdig way. If you are concerned with the granularization of the digital world, there are a few notable markers that can be done correctly. The cinnamon is getting longer and longer, it is getting more complicated, the larger the soul groups are. Also the theme Measurement Analytics plays a big role: Who analyzes my soul group? Who did I learn, was it draußen passiert and was it a wirklich funktioniert? The theme is not yet erased, if the campaign is already functioning 100 percent, it is still not the case that it might be a good idea to do something. Also sustainability and halting play a role. Mark if you do not see the question yet, these themes are getting bigger and they are investing more. There is a Schwerpunkt that sits on the CMO top, but it is a fact that it can be a big challenge.

t3n: You can research the topic of the issue: Greenwashing is a big Stichwort in marketing. It is not likely that you have a reason or a problem with your machine. Who is the best?

I see the German difference. If there is a problem, the next activities in the sector will often be carried out with marketing activities. The marketer is no longer interested in the knowledge and is looking for the best products from the world and the lungs or the spending that is there.
For others, sustainable consumerism has long been in the middle of society. Some of the marketing activities cannot be ignored if the legal requirement is met. It is good news that Deloitte wrote in its study ‘Customer insights on sustainability’: Sustainability alone does not amount to more, consumers and consumers receive a greedy higher value. In addition, a large part of the sustainability conversation between companies is floating around. Marketing must release this tension relationship. A bisschen Greenwashing is no longer possible. Once you have done that, it is a matter of time and a Green Claims guideline. There is talk of marketing responsible inzwische understanding.

A Beispiel for modern marketing can be found here:

t3n: You have put the Zersplitterung of the Zielgruppen on another platform. What erlebe: Gerade young people started looking at social media channels. The typical use is that young people automatically use social media. Who knows what the Dmexco planning of Themenfeld Social Media beschäftigt is?

Social media is becoming more and more relevant in the fall. Since a larger theme has come up on the E-Commerce stage, it is a good idea to use a Social Selling on Linkedin. That is still so well-known in Germany. With Michael Schreck, LinkedIn Social Data Analyst at Computers & Lessons and Entrenous, a spinning speaker, who is aware of the algorithm that focuses on the fact that it may not be so, the story of the generation is not so. If it is not at all, it is a young person on social media. It could be that young agents have come into the Bereich-etabliert.

t3n: Coming up with the themes in marketing: generally, the themes that are the Cookieless Future will be discussed more and more. Do you not want any completely new themes at all? Or do you think the rebirth is tough, is it a new Twists gift?

Both. I find it so heavy that the content of the themes is spread. Cookieless Future has apparently and surely gotten this new Twist. Advertising agencies and agencies hang in the air and ask themselves: What isn’t? Other pages have multiple themes added, which are completely new. Before you go a few years further, ChatGPT is not available. Retail Media is a new trend, like Social Selling. A Schwerpunkt has followed its theme Personal Branding for a year. The trend is that I like to see.

t3n: Is war a private affair in those years for someone else to win?
If I am very long, my colleagues can see their mirrors, while they have a super-fast setback from the last years. The auctioneer was fried, who es last year run ist; fell into the starting holes, as the sale in January opens. If you see that this year is a higher problem if you go through the year, it was a long time ago. The last deals were not closed. If it is clear, it will take a year before the atmosphere is positive.

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t3n: In the first years, the OMR status can be achieved. Is this a konkurrenzveranstaltung? Or another fair like the Dmexco?

I think it’s great that we are so big in Germany and have such relevant digital marketing events. It is a valuable asset that is worth its money. We always complain, the digital hint of Germany was noticed by others. In the event area we can say with good faith that we are absolute leaders. We position ourselves continuously: If Dmexco does us a favor, then the business event for Entscheider is. That is unique. Philipp and I have a friendly collegial discussion.

t3n: If you knew a few years later, would it be the case that you had a gemacht, gefried?
Ask me that on the evening of September 19, also directly after the Dmexco again. Now goes the first in the higher phase, the final spurt. If they are happy that they are happy: a new content format with the Digital Digest newsletter has been launched, the podcast has been expanded and the new media partnerships have been closed. If you have found the new CMO-Schwerpunkt, it is essential that the Dmexco is in the marketing center in your den. The next periods will be intensive, and it will take a long time.

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