
Wasps, Rats, Kakerlaken: Groselfinger Kammerjäger gibt Tipps – Zollernalb

Wasps, Rats, Kakerlaken: Groselfinger Kammerjäger gibt Tipps – Zollernalb

Wasps, Rats, Kakerlaken: Grossselfinger Kammerjäger gibt Tipps

Thorsten Haug is a Schädlingsbekämpfer and, as of late, the world is again. Photo: Hoffmann

Against Wespennester and Rattenplage are often the following: the Kammerjäger. Well, the problem with the schädlingsbekämpfung was solved and it was worth having Thorsten Haug from Grossellingen come.

If you soak the Raum with the hat and the cockerel sheets from the rhythmic scribble, then it is who is at „Men in Black“. Das schildert Thorsten Haug, Schädlingsbekämpfer aus Grosseselfingen. Long war with the advanced microtechnology of a single room in the Zollernalbkreis. If the Schädlingen are there, it is worth knowing what the last years are – the most important fragments and answers: