
When lawyers will solve the job

When lawyers will solve the job

Marie-Thérès “Maresi” Boetzkes war Anwältin in a big chancellery – if she is noticed, the power of the power. Jetzt coaches his Lawyers. I have been on a job interview, but it may be that a job is not as nice as a man who can.

LTO: Frau Boetzkes, she has become self-aware – from the Anwältin zum Jura-Coach. Did you make a comment, is this a changing müssen?

Doctor Marie-Theres-Boetzkes: Would I dare to make a statement immediately?


Do you want a dozen? I grab no one fast. If you are worried about the size of your situation, there is no infringement. If it is a crazy idea then it is party, which is done in fast other branches now. It is a sett for my ever a sure Stay away from her, it will never happen again.

Gerne. Also then: Woran has you noticed, that you must have changed?

For all a few things. I have an inner restlessness, which I cannot bear. I have been through a war and I have learned. Ich anderen ben people who came up so often, were that I could do nothing at all. My finnishings were much more important to me than those of others. It is a war that is stubborn as an empathic person.

If it is well noticed, it is not stimulated. I could no longer sleep and use the standard Bauchschmerzen, while I was fighting a war of my own. My symptoms were like the Monday mornings in the night, Thursday evenings take them off. It is a natural end of time.

Was it the case that once you had done something, there was so little you could do?

Actually, nothing long. If you have a problem, there is a problem and nothing is wrong, my dissatisfaction and this symptom are symptoms of legal inequality. I have never seen so much, everything that I found relative, however I said it, weil ich erreicht had, was ich vorgestellt hadte: zwei göte Examina, Promotion, Position in the Grand Chancellery.

When I think about it, it’s all in the Loch schaffe. Then there’s the big bang and I see a manger crying on my hotel bed. Then I have my mumbling anger – and if I go, I’ll help you like that. Then I’ve got a career counseling power.

“Wenn once in the week the telephone rings, which is my highlight”

Was Du aus der Karriereberatung mitgenommen?

I learned a lot, it was a real pleasure to learn how I could do it. The consultant who had asked me, how my life was voorstel, was my turmoil and personal worth is and where I see my strength.

The counselor then asked me a short question: “Do you prefer to write or to reason?” When the gun is fired from the gun, it is called “dear reason.” When I see the hinges, it is worth thinking that other people have power, when I am writing, writing and reading – and my question, was that with my power. There is war for an Aha moment.

I think it is a reason and with the people come out of the closet, and the Job, who the war eigentlich nur darauf ausgerichtt, with in the form of a word and written texts about paints. If there is once in the week of the phone rang, war is my highlight. Meine Starken can also be an exploration.

Who became Du dann Selbst Coach?

I made a self-remark, which sees me in the world and my heart-warming effect during the coaching acquisition.

For the years that the years last, it is at the NGO “ROCK YOUR LIFE!”, which is set up for jurisdiction and potential failure, as a fundraising equipment and an Ausbildung of the trainer for potential failure power. Once it is so, whoever has a position of power, the human is a robbed representative of the company. The lawyers and lawyers of lawyers and lawyers know their own experience when they specialize.

“If we don’t know whether it’s a Leben or a Tod”

Who responded to Umfeld’s personal and personal wishes on Deinen Jobwechsel?

Whoever is in a crazy war can now find my best friends and family. It may be that there is a problem and that it is so that the career deliberation is financed by itself.

My colleagues and colleges were taken by surprise. If you resign from the Chancellery, it is a matter of trust that you can never be in touch again. She said to me: “Is it really clear to you that what you think you can do, namely to know and to do it again, really, what we want to do quickly here in the room?” For this question I am very grateful. At this moment it is wise, it may be that we now have a reason.

Do you think it is important that lawyers and legal professionals focus on their jobs?

To have a very personal personal structure with lawyers. Many of us is very perfectionistic. If man has a self-conscious hat and does not want to function well, man ends up in an unfriede heat spiral.

This is often the case with the performance pressure and the chance of connecting the sale. If it is natural, man will perhaps say: if it does not work, it is not a life or Tod. In the legal sector it is wise to be informed often. If the billable hours discount has the power to relieve people. If I have to deal with a lot of spoken words, the job is awakened from the track and the chance has become freer. The robbed Umfeld is hierarchical and very conservative.

When people suffer from burnout and Bore-out, some things will not be clear, other things are their job if they are real. If you want more security and credit, you can earn your own money.

“In a single environment, that is not sick power”

See how to do your job and not fry anymore. If you are aware of the fact that there is no phase yet, is the time for a bad view a fact?

It is a matter of time for a bad display, if there is a warning signal. Wir wollen in a Umfeld-arbeiten, there is no power. If a long term long term Bauchschmerzen or my Pulse Monday morning is at 180, is and the first time a woman calls, it is a time when a job with a task is fulfilled.

Who can stop it, is it even that difficult?

One should ask oneself as early as possible the questions, which I also immerse in my course bzw. Individual coaching questions: Was I a life to achieve? Who should I work for? Which themes really interest me? At Meinen Coachings it is the first time that I have received 40 fragments. If I want to express my opinion, one of the legal statements will be a personal approach. This is one of the few times. If they are 18 or 19 years old, the Jurassic studies in countries will be carried out at once, which are complete with notes. Yes, it is now a new or more punk, one of the few things that there is, was damned peculiar wool. I want the research exams to be no more and that no mistake has been made. Ownership of the work in man. I can not get into a big chance in the planfeststellungsrecht. Of course, when the water comes out of the big Bang.

“Man sollte sich immer fragen: Will ich beruflich here sein?”

Have you found a job that you have never experienced?

Man should bring in every Fall content for theme. If you know that you have a good idea, if a man is new and has a lust hat, if he takes up the Arbeitszeit, even if he cheats, he will beschaftigen. Before the job at the NGOs is proposed, it may be that the themes are interesting and war-interested, when people during their hour the Gesellschaft positively trade. If I have found and researched a home, the projects of the various foundations are supported. If a man in a job has a strong task and can do his job, he can splash a little and do his job.

Do you have any other tips for a theme career and a bad presentation?

One of the tips someone can offer like this: Say this today, because you are experienced, because you are advised, you will. It is my life, so who is the leader? It is not easy, but it is not the case that a schritt-machine is created.

Thanks for the conversation!

Dr. Marie-Thérès Boetzkes (“Maresi”) war Anwältin in verschiedenen Kanzleien. Jetzt is appointed coach for lawyers and lawyers. With ihrem Kurs”Mit Jura can do everything“, on September 16, 2024 I will start with the professional changes. I started in October with the first program of my program “New female lawyers“, the respondents are miserable and personally must continue their work.