
House of Sweets available for free Loading on Bahnhofstraße with long opening hours

House of Sweets available for free Loading on Bahnhofstraße with long opening hours

Hanover. Chips with Pizza Note or a Hauch von Scharfem Honig, Popcorn with ungewöhnlichem Geschmack or Kekse with überraschender Füllung: Im Korb von Florian and Hanna pilen themselves at Sonnabend, 10. August, Süßigkeiten and salty Leckereien. They both want Hildesheimer to end up in the new “House of Sweets” store one day, but I’m busy for so long and I’m going for the rain Zulauf in Bahnhofstraße.

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Delivery: Am Freitagabend, 9. August, drängen sich die Kauflustigen im neuen "House of Candy".

Delivery: Am Freitagabend, August 9, ready for purchase in the new “House of Sweets”.

Leckereien aus all Welt im Angebot

On 350 square meters, the CEO Tahir Gülsahin and his team sort, stack and label 500 products in the new branch in the past days, which are otherwise not available for purchase in Germany. If you want the Mango Store to have a long life, you can buy a place for sugars, salts and shaves. This is done in the United States, among other places, with Twinkies, the Takis Fuego chips from Mexico, Tim Tams Kebabs from Australia, Japanese Manga Getränke and Chocolate Drops from Dubai. For a barbecue with Heinz “BarbieCue” ketchup, a pink color special edition.

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Crazy punch and zuckersüß: Auch Lollis gibt es im "House of Candy".

Banging and snacking: Auch Lollis is a gift in “House of Sweets”.

Hannover gets the big “House of Sweets”

“The Laden is a bigger one in the whole of Germany, it is smaller in Berlin,” says “House of Sweets” Gründer Gülsahin. There is a tribe in Lower Saxony – the Firmensitz is in Salzgitter – and the region is “pushing” woolen. The Lage in Sichtweite des Hauptbahnhofs is perfect. If you are dealing with the Unternehmer in Hannover in Neuland: Bereits since four years purchasing “House of Sweets” in the Ernst-August-Galerie in Hannover Products from fun Kontinenten.

Wollen eigentlich nur schauen: Florian and Hanna from Hildesheim cover themselves with Süßem and Salzigem from all over the world.

Wollen eigentlich nur schauen: Florian and Hanna from Hildesheim cover themselves with Süßem and Salzigem from all over the world.

“Den Laden will last another year, then the flower will come from the sky,” says Gülsahin and concrete, a Verlängerung became one of the Stelle nicht geben. “Jetzt befinden wir us in der Toplage”, says the new branch in Bahnhofstraße. The world of the world is busy with the following things: Montags bis donnerstags cann deshalb jeweils bis 21 Uhr eingekauft become, freitags and sonnabends bis 22 Uhr.

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Einstiges Startup Power Millionenumsatz

Hanna and Florian know the first store in the state capital, where they have a self-esteem that now looks a little, with a new design with the bright color abroad. “But at the end it was so unknown, what we otherwise did not find, that we then zugeschlachten haben”, said Hanna. Once you have entered the financial sector, the power of an e-startup is worth a million million dollars for a long time.