
“Gott ist kein Kaugummi-Automat”: Gold-Heroine Power ARD-Interview zum Bibel-Schnellkurs

“Gott ist kein Kaugummi-Automat”: Gold-Heroine Power ARD-Interview zum Bibel-Schnellkurs

One thing: the month does not end with Happy End. Anderereits: Unverhofft comes often. The gold for the historical Golf-Silber of Esther Henseleit and the combination of a multi-talent: Yemisi Ogunleye. And for ARD-Mann Alexander Bommes. The world of Esther Sedlazcek “entlassen”.

“Damage, damage, damage,” said reporter Holger Summer. “Damage, damage, damage”, duty Alexander Bommes mitfühlend bei. In der Tat, the Bronze Duelle in the Tischennis (Team) and the Men’s Basketball ended with the German Fan-Zicht not on the plant. Add the “Holz-Medal” to the Platz four. Both teams can practice the best performances in their sport, while they are dearer, war a great pride. “Es tut so weh”, said Korbjäger Dennis Schröder. The PowerKüken Annett Kaufmann however you can do it.

If you want to achieve a positive result. Esther Henseleit hollow of the first Olympic silver medal for Germany in Golf. I am golf! The sensational act zog sich alledings. Over the days. Henseleit believes that all the runs were performed in the upper midfield, while during their four days they have a cool 66er run and thanks to the performances of the competitors over time Spitzengroep. Gruß an die Hand- und Basketballer: Spannung muss nicht secondary bruuteilartig signal. Beim Golf wake is über Stunden von “Plötzlich Medaillenchancenen, was ist da los?” bis “Wahnsinn, historical Silber”. When the time finally comes, let loose in the clubhouse at the end of the Triumph celebration.

“Esther got the name from the tags,” Alex Bommes said in Studio, while Sedlaczek came together. “That one in Silverthe other one in Mint.” Yes, it is true that Sedlazcek is popular with the competition and that it is Shako from ZDF Expert According to Mertesacker schnapped, that is there a wet während of EM lost hat. Den Witz does not want to sit in the kitchen anymore – and “single” Bommes-kurzerhand.

Alexander Bommes taunts Malaika Mihambo: “We are happy”

“That’s it,” Esther said to Alex. “Für immer?”, eh, mercy. “Hoffentlich nicht, du bleibst uns hoffentlich erhalten.” If you don’t see the Schichtwechsel at all, then the 15th Olympia-Tag is a letter of its würde. Kein Bommes meer in Olympia-Tagesmenü.

But the man hates his life Rejected angenehm gestaltet. Seine Highlights were the Interviews with Olympiasiegerin Jemisi Ogunleye and the deep sea twos Malaika Mihambo. That must be what Bommes used to scoff at the first time: “Wie geht’s Ihnen, nach dem Schrecken, den Sie us all eingejagt haben?”

Schließlich were mihambo nach ihrem Silber-Satz per Rollstuhl aus dem Stadion be schoben. “We are really shocked”, said Bommes, and I can remember: “I am wet, I have not noticed anything, but we know that the Adrenalin is gone, we are happy with the light. It is safe, as it is war”, we can remember the Corona geschwächte Athletes who enjoy Sportnation.

Premiere thanks to Yemisi Ogunleye: Bibel-TV in ARD-Sport-Studio

There cannot be a medical condition Jemisi Ogunleyethe new Superstar. And that’s the good Grund. The woman, the first Gold Medalist in the Kugelstoßen since 1996 (mother: Astrid Kumbernuss), can’t go more than 20 meters further in Grüne knallen. Sondern: everything. Gospels singing, while the siege is very good and sings the hymn, and witty and intelligent parlieren. I am an interview for a premiere: Bibel-TV in Olympia-Studio der ARD!

The “Tools” (Bommes) in the dramatic Kugelstoß-Showdown were “Ruhe und Kraft durch meinen christlichen Glauben”, they were part of Bommes’ Nachfrage auch gleich ihren Lieblingpsalm with: John 3, Verse 16. “Denn Gott hat die Welt so if it is good, it is a single sohn-hingab.” Besser als jedes Bibelfernsehen, besser als Urbi und Orbi van Ostern or van Weihnachten.

Bommes and Ogunleye work with the new Glaubenskundigen, that is not so easy. Bommes had a suspicious one: “We said, ‘I want a medal, God’, it will not be heard.” Another best description: “I have no Kaugummi-Automat, in case you got the control and got the criticism Result. I think it is not good, but it is wise to insult Armenia. Wer in fragment, a reply will be received.”

Laws, hasn’t it been a long time since a message was sent? When Comedians dare to play with Franziskus …

Claud Lufen and Frabk Busemann: Zärtlichkeiten zum Abschied

It was a day of Emotions. Nicht nur beim italienischen Gar-nicht-mal-so-Hochspirnger Gianmarco Tamberiafter a few minutes in the Armen von gefühlt der gesamten italienischen Leichtathletik-Mannschaft heulte.

Also at Claus Lufen and Frank Busemann. “It was fine with this, I was missing,” said Lufen, and then both died suddenly and silently in the arm. Schön, Esther and Basti’s biggest trauma.